God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1103 You're Crazy

Chapter 1103 You're Crazy

But there were six of them this time, and even Bai Yaoguang, the first one who died, was not the victim of Xuenv. Every time Xuenv was furious, it was they who provoked it first, and it would attack.

It's not that Xuenv has no chance to kill them, it's just that it didn't make a move, so it can be seen that it does have something hidden!

Taking a tentative look at Xue Nu, Xia Zishang thought of the only possibility, and boldly said to Xue Nu, "Lin'er, as long as you tell me the truth, I will help you."

"Are you crazy?!" Huo Tianyang questioned with widened eyes.

Huo Tianyang wondered if Xia Zishang had lost his mind and went crazy, to say such crazy words!

Xia Zishang seemed to have never heard of it, she only cared about Xue Nu's reaction.

The Lei family is not kind, and their secretive attitude has long aroused Xia Zishang's suspicion. In comparison, Xuenv is more credible!
Moreover, Qing Su has never said that their task in this level is to kill Xue Nu. According to Qing Su, their task is to solve a series of things that happened in Leijiabao. Stop causing trouble, and it can be regarded as solving the problem!
However, the methods used are different.

Thinking of this, Xia Zishang finally understood why she always felt that something was wrong recently, and why Qing Su showed such a weird smile to them this morning!
If she guessed correctly, the real task of the second level is not to get rid of Xue Nu, but to avenge Xue Nu.

Naturally, all of this is just Xia Zishang's speculation, and she has no evidence to prove that her point of view is correct.

Everything depends on how Xue Nu reacts.

After hearing Xia Zishang's words, Xue Nu's expression was shaken for a moment.

But this shock was fleeting, and Xue Nu looked at Xia Zishang mockingly, obviously not believing her words.

The cold air around Xuenv continued to surge out, turning into long snow-white snakes, which opened their ferocious mouths and bit Xia Zishang.

This time, Xue Nu's attack was only aimed at Xia Zishang, as if she was really irritated by Xia Zishang!
Seeing this scene, Xia Zishang was not only not nervous, but instead smiled proudly.

Xuenv responded, which proved her guess was right.

Xia Zishang's mind moved slightly, and she put away the whip.

"Master Xia Ye, it's dangerous!" Zhu Huanyu shouted in horror.

Xuenv's strength is so strong that it is almost terrifying. Ordinary people are not its opponents at all. Even if they have weapons, they may not be Xuenv's opponents, let alone Xia Zishang put away all the weapons. Isn't it courting death?
Both Zhu Huanyu and Huo Tianyang looked anxious, and they rushed to help quickly.

However, before they had time to step forward, they were stopped by Yusheng who raised his hand here.

"Don't move around. Mr. Xia must have her plans, let's not hinder her." Yusheng said firmly with a look of trust in Xia Zishang.

The two people in front of him may not know Miss Xia's strength, but he does know how powerful Miss Xia is!
And he trusts Miss Xia, and believes that Miss Xia will never mess around!

The figure quickly flipped in the air, Xia Zishang let the long snakes pass by her side, and she approached the direction of Xue Nu step by step.

Xuenv froze for a moment, and continued to attack, as if she wanted to tear Xia Zishang into pieces!
(End of this chapter)

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