God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1104 I Really Guessed It Right

Chapter 1104 I Really Guessed It Right
"To tell you the truth, I don't trust the people in Leijiabao." Xia Zishang kept dodging Xuenv's attack, not daring to be careless at all, "Lin'er, tell me, are you just looking for Lei Yize? revenge?"

Xue Nu's eyes trembled violently, and the ferocious bloody color in her eyes was replaced by a cold ice blue. It looked at Xia Zishang with complicated eyes, obviously still suspicious of her.

"Our time is running out, and your time is also running out. If you can't kill Lei Yize in the remaining time, then all your previous efforts will be in vain, and you will lose the chance of revenge. You can only kill Lei Yize forever." Containing resentment, sadly lingering in the world in this way." Xia Zishang's tone was cold and merciless, continuing to stimulate Xuenv's fragile nerves.

Xue Nu couldn't accept it, her body trembled violently like sifting chaff, and then she opened her throat and let out an angry roar.

The silver-white long hair danced wildly with the wind behind her, Xue Nu raised her head, her fingers formed into claws, and a huge cloud of cold air condensed from her hands while roaring!
"It's over, the snow girl is gone!"

Hearing this, Yu Sheng's heart rose to his throat instantly, and he nervously held the mahogany sword in his hand, watching dozens of sharp ice thorns suddenly erupt in the cold air.

The tips of these ice thorns were beating with dark blue cold poison, and at this moment, several of them were shooting at Xia Zishang's heart unstoppably.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, and they looked at the motionless Xia Zishang with horror on their faces.

Xia Zishang stood on the spot like a rock, staring fixedly at Xue Nu who was dodging her eyes from the air.

The icicles roared, and at the critical moment, Xia Zishang finally spoke again.

"Lin'er, I am willing to avenge you and kill Lei Yize for you."

Xia Zishang's eyes were burning, revealing a murderous aura.

Xue Nu met Xia Zishang's radiant phoenix eyes, her eyes trembled fiercely, and the sharp attack in her hand suddenly stopped while her mind was shaken.

The poisoned ice thorn was within a hair's reach of Xia Zishang's heart, and if it moved an inch further, it would have killed Xia Zishang.

Gambling with his life, Xia Zishang actually did it.

The three Yushengs who were watching were all covered in cold sweat from the fright, and took deep breaths in shock.

God knows how nervous they were just now!

Yusheng wasn't so frightened like the other two, he just stared at Xia Zishang's beautiful back with admiration and excitement.

Xuenv slumped on the spot in a daze, and with a slight wave of her hand, the ice thorns turned into tiny light spots and disappeared into the air.

When Xia Zishang came here, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She is not nervous, but even if she knows the danger, she will definitely do it.

With such a stubborn personality, Xia Zishang got up with a chuckle, and then strode towards Xue Nu.

The remaining three quickly followed.

"Young master Xia, you are really amazing. How did you come to the conclusion just now?" Yusheng looked at Xia Zishang curiously, and asked excitedly.

"I just made a bold guess based on a series of things that happened recently and Qingsu's reaction this morning. I didn't expect that I was lucky, and I really guessed it right." Xia Zishang looked relaxed Said.

"Young master Xia, you are really too modest." Yusheng's smile deepened three points when he heard this, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm like the scorching sun, staring straight at Xia Zishang's perfect side face, almost wishing that even his eyes don't blink.

(End of this chapter)

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