God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1105 Already Found a Way to Kill Snow Maiden

Chapter 1105 Already Found a Way to Kill Snow Maiden

Miss Xia said it seemed easy, but among them, none of them jumped out of the original frame to think about Xue Nu, only Miss Xia had this intelligence and courage.

The four of them stood in front of Xue Nu, looking down at it.

Xue Nu, no, it should be said that Lin'er sat quietly on the ground, and slowly raised her chin.

There was sadness in the ice-blue eyes, and after Lin'er glanced over, the scenery in front of Xia Zishang and the four of them flashed quickly, and they fell into deep darkness...

At the same time, in the hall of Leijiabao.

Lei Fengting sat on the chair, with a sad expression on his face, and let out a long breath.

The uneasiness in his heart made Lei Fengting very anxious, always worried whether Xia Zishang and his party knew something.

Yesterday his son was in a coma for a whole day, and when he woke up this morning, he cried and told him that he met Xue Nu's ghost again. He didn't know if he was dreaming, but Xue Nu sat quietly by his bedside , He was so scared that he kept begging for mercy, and he didn't know if his begging for mercy had an effect. This time, Xue Nu didn't hurt him and left directly.

Lei Yize was so frightened that he lost his mind, but Lei Fengting was very clear-headed. He found traces of someone fighting in the courtyard of the Tianxiao Courtyard where Lei Yize lived. It can be seen that Lei Yize was not In a dream, he actually met Xue Nu, but Xue Nu somehow spared his life.

This made Lei Fengting feel very strange, because he knew better than anyone else how much hatred Xue Nu had in her heart.

If Xuenv really found the right opportunity to strike, then Lei Yize would have been killed by Xuenv as early as yesterday morning!
Coupled with the traces of fighting in the yard, Lei Fengting couldn't help but suspect that what Lei Yize saw yesterday morning was not Xue Nu herself...

Thinking of this made my heart skip a beat, Lei Fengting stretched out his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, trying to relieve the depression in his heart.

"Master, Master Li Feng said that he has something very important and wants to discuss it with him." At this time, Lei Fengting's servant walked into the hall quickly, and said respectfully.

Lei Fengting was so upset that he pulled himself together and said, "Master Li Feng, please come in."

After hearing the words, the servant nodded yes, exited the room and invited Li Feng in.

"Patriarch Lei didn't rest last night, okay? Why does he look so haggard?" Taking a deep look at Li Feng, Lei Fengting asked calmly.

On Lei Fengting's face, he pretended nothing had happened. After chuckling twice, he said in a casual tone, "Hehe, let Master Li Feng see the joke. I really didn't have a good rest last night. Think about it, Master, this will happen soon. It's been seven days since the agreement was made, but this Xuenv has not been caught for a long time, I am really uneasy."

The sharp cold light in Li Feng's eyes flashed, and he said with an easy-going smile on his face, "I came today because of Xue Nu. Patriarch Lei, I have found a way to kill Xue Nu."

Lei Fengting was still downcast at first, but when he heard Li Feng's words, his brows lit up immediately, and he hurriedly asked, "Master Li Feng, please tell me quickly, what is the solution?"

"Patriarch Lei, in fact, the Patriarch should know more about this method than I do." Li Feng chuckled dangerously.

The smile on the corners of Lei Fengting's lips froze suddenly, and a very bad feeling appeared in his heart, "Why can't I understand what Master Li Feng means..."

(End of this chapter)

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