God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1126 Sooner or later, I will kill myself

Chapter 1126 Sooner or later, I will kill myself

Fan Wenchang turned pale with fright, then sat down slowly trembling, bowed his head resignedly and began to eat.

Sanskrit Wenchang just started eating, and the other monks in the cafeteria returned to normal, talking and laughing.

It was like the weird scene just now, like a hallucination.

Xia Zishang quietly watched this strange scene. After eating, she put down her chopsticks and stared thoughtfully at the seemingly normal monks in front of her. Let's leave the cafeteria together.

Jinhe worked as a guide with all his heart, and took Xia Zishang and the others to a small bamboo forest courtyard in the Bodhi Temple.

There is no courtyard wall in the small courtyard, except for a winding path connected to the gate, the small courtyard is surrounded by a large bamboo forest. There are two rows of houses in the east wing and west wing. The west wing has only two rooms, and the east wing has two rooms. Yes there are five.

It happened that five men lived in the West Wing, and two women lived in the East Wing.

Standing at the gate of the small courtyard, Xia Zishang looked at the dark well in the courtyard that was facing the gate and divided the east and west rooms.

The well seemed to have been unused for a long time, and weeds grew in the gaps between the dark stones at the wellhead.

Xia Zishang took two steps forward curiously, stood by the well and looked into the well.

In the deep black well, even the well water is pitch black, making it hard to see the depth.

Xia Zishang was seriously looking at this black well, which is extremely inauspicious in terms of Feng Shui. When she turned her gaze, she happened to catch a sneaky figure from behind her, deliberately suppressing the sound of her footsteps. come over.

Seeing that Xia Zishang was defenseless, Fan Wenchang reached out to push her.

Xia Zishang stood still on purpose, and waited until Fan Wenchang pushed him over, then he dodged easily with a flash.

"Damn it!" Fan Wenchang was unsteady on his feet, and fell towards the black well.

"Master, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' Xiaoge was so frightened that he rushed over and grabbed Fan Wenchang's feet to prevent him from falling into the well.

"Please help quickly, save my young master!" Xiaoge couldn't hold Fan Wenchang at all by himself, he tried his best to get Fan Wenchang out with his face flushed red.

It's a pity that everyone seemed to have never heard of it, and no one came to rescue him.

Although the seven people present acted together, they were all competitors, and if one person died, there would be less threat.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Fan Wenchang is so annoying that no one wants to take the lead.

Xia Zishang folded her arms around her chest, looking at it leisurely.

According to her experience, this Fan Wenchang will kill himself sooner or later.

However, what Xia Zishang did not expect was that seeing Fan Wenchang fall into the well, the expression on Jinhe's face suddenly became extremely panicked.

And at this moment, Fan Wenchang, who only had his feet exposed outside the black well, suddenly began to scream.

The screams were as miserable as killing a pig, and Fan Wenchang's body convulsed violently like sifting chaff, his limbs shook wildly, his feet were stretched straight, and he screamed completely inhumanely.

Both Liu Meiling and the woman in the black skirt took a step back in fright, looking at Fan Wenchang's terrifying appearance in horror.

"Pull him out!" Jin He's brows were covered with haze, and after he finished speaking, he turned into an afterimage, rushed to the edge of the well with terrifying speed, grabbed Fan Wenchang's ankle, and dragged him out!

Seeing that Jinhe rescued Fan Wenchang by himself, Xia Zishang quickly stepped forward and rushed to the side of the black well to check for abnormalities in the well.

Gong Wuxie moved at the same time as Xia Zishang. The two stood still almost at the same time, and then looked down the well without fear.

(End of this chapter)

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