God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1127 The Hot Spring Behind the Wing Room

Chapter 1127 The Hot Spring Behind the Wing Room
In the black well, the calm well water is just a little turbulent, and nothing else is abnormal.

Xia Zishang and Gong Wuxie looked at each other, then got up at the same time, turned their heads to look at Jinhe.

After Jinhe rescued Fan Wenchang, he put him on the ground. At this moment, his expression had returned to normal, but Xia Zishang did not forget the panic expression on his face just now.

Jinhe will panic?Why?
Xia Zishang couldn't figure it out.

"Master, wake up, master!" Xiaoge knelt beside Fan Wenchang, slapping his pale face vigorously.

But Fan Wenchang didn't react at all, his eyes rolled wildly, his mouth grew so big that he passed out.

His face was as pale as a dead person, and the gloomy air circulated around everyone, causing everyone present to fall into a deep silence, and no one dared to speak again.

No one knows exactly what Fan Wenchang encountered in the well, but Fan Wenchang's screams just now still echoed in everyone's ears, and everyone who heard his screams had goose bumps, as if they were being killed by something. It's as if something is on me...

Jinhe coughed twice, and said in a quiet tone, "This black well looks fine, but in fact the well is very deep, I hope everyone be careful not to get close, lest you become like this benefactor, drowning is not good gone."

What Jinhe implied was that the reason why Fan Wenchang had such a big reaction just now was because he was drowning.

Xia Zishang sneered, she seemed to have heard a big joke.

drowning?Did Jinhe regard them all as fools?

The clothes on Fan Wenchang's body were all dry, and there was no trace of water touching them. The drops of water on his face were all the cold sweat from his fear. Under such circumstances, Jinhe actually told them that Fan Wenchang was Drowning, isn't this talking nonsense with your eyes open?
However, Jin He just took it for granted, as if it had a reason.

"Everyone has worked hard, it's getting late now, please remember the taboos of our temple, go back to your room and rest." After Jinhe said this lightly, he turned and left here calmly.

Seeing that Jinhe had left, Xia Zishang turned around, first chose the innermost room in the west wing, walked in with strides, and then closed the door.

At this moment, the sky had gradually darkened, Xia Zishang strode towards the bed after entering the door.

Xia Zishang took off her boots and lay down, closed her eyes and fell into a doze, quietly sorting out her thoughts.

The remaining six people chose their own rooms and returned to their respective rooms before dark.

The East Wing is where two women, Liu Meiling, lived. Perhaps they were women who took care of them, so behind the East Wing there was an open-air hot spring, surrounded by a simple bamboo curtain, and outside the bamboo curtain was a bamboo forest, which was warm. The warm water vapor rises from the water, reflecting each other with the green bamboos, making it as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

Liu Meiling and the woman in black dress named Bingyue seemed to get along well, the two walked into the east wing with a smile, and when it was completely dark, Liu Meiling confirmed that the five big men in the west wing would not be together again. After leaving the room, he and Bingyue went to the hot spring behind the wing room together.

There are constant laughter and laughter in the direction of the hot spring, and the misty mist accompanied by the sound of water is particularly fascinating.

In the direction of the west wing, there was no movement in the other four rooms, but the only old man among the seven opened the door treacherously, and looked towards the direction of the east wing where the girls were.

(End of this chapter)

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