God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1136 Don't worry, I will definitely cure you

Chapter 1136 Don't Worry, I Will Heal You
Xia Zishang just took a look at Gong Wuxie. He was not affected by the aroma of barbecue at all, but she didn't know if it was an illusion. She felt that Gong Wuxie's bright eyes looked brighter than before.

After listening to Xia Zishang's words, Liu Meiling, Leng Yue and Xiao Ge suppressed their appetites and did not eat meat.

After Fan Wenchang wiped out the little pig, Xia Zishang also rested, and the group continued to walk towards the back of the mountain.

The scenery on the mountainside is even better. When Xia Zishang looked up, he saw cooking smoke rising from the valley in front of him.

It was already noon, and the people living in the valley should be cooking.

"Look, there are people here!" Leng Yue also found out, she pointed to the direction of the smoke from a distance, and said happily.

Leng Yue's voice was particularly loud, something seemed to be disturbed in the bush not far from her, and the branches of the tree suddenly swayed twice.

In the back mountain, everyone pulled out their weapons at the same time, looking in the direction of the undergrowth vigilantly.

They thought that there would be some kind of rare and ferocious beast, but they never expected that what came from the bushes was the weak cry of a little girl.

"Woooooo, help, help..." The little girl's choked up voice was immature and tender, and it sounded extremely pitiful.

"Go and have a look." After Xia Zishang finished speaking, she took the first step to bypass the bushes.

In the shadows deep in the bushes, there was a delicate little girl sitting slumped on the ground.

This girl is only about seven or eight years old, taller than Qingcheng, with a chubby little face and delicate facial features, she is as cute as a porcelain doll.

Of course, if the little girl wasn't covered in tears and had no blood on her legs, she would be even more beautiful.

The little girl looked at Xia Zishang striding forward, and the god in white clothes fluttering like a dust, forgot to cry.

"Big brother, did you come from the sky?" The little girl lowered her head in frustration, she looked weak, and even her voice was hoarse, "My mother told me when she was seriously ill, she was going to I was taken away by the beautiful fairy sister in the sky, are you also here to take me away?"

Amused by the little girl's innocent words, Xia Zishang couldn't help laughing, "Don't worry, I won't take you away, I will heal your injuries and send you home."

Looking at the little girl's attire, Xia Zishang saw that she was dressed like a peasant girl, so she knew that the little girl was from the village they found.

Because the little girl is next to a cliff, forming a triangular blind spot with a towering tree, this is a blind spot in people's vision, and with the undergrowth as a cover, they didn't notice the little girl at the beginning. .

The little girl nodded eagerly, and raised her head to show a sweet smile.

"Hehe, Mr. Xia is really meddling in his own business. This girl's leg is broken, and she has stayed here for at least two or three days. She has long missed the best time for treatment. This leg must be useless. It's okay to save her." It's useless." Fan Wenchang didn't care about the little girl's feelings at all, and said ruthlessly.

When the little girl heard the words, her frightened little face turned pale instantly, and she grabbed Xia Zishang's sleeve, "Big Brother..."

"Don't worry, I will definitely cure you." He stroked the little girl's head reassuringly. As a mother, Xia Zishang couldn't sit idly by.

What's more, what Fan Wenchang said was too exaggerated. The little girl's leg was only fractured, not broken, and now there is no time for treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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