God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1137 Big brother, is this aunt with you?

Chapter 1137 Big brother, is this aunt with you?

After taking the healing elixir for the little girl, Xia Zishang applied a special ointment on her wound.

When the ointment was applied to the wound, a burst of coolness came from the burning wound, which made the little girl blink her eyes in surprise.

"Okay, try now to see if you can move." Xia Zishang helped the little girl up and said.

The little girl tried to take a step forward cautiously.

Although the injured leg is still a little weak, it is still able to walk.

"It's really good! Thank you, big brother!" The little girl said sweetly with a smile on her face.

"Little sister, where do you live? I'll take you home." Xia Zishang asked with a smile.

"My family lives in Bodhi Village over there, not far from here, but the people in the village don't come here, so I waited here for three days." The little girl said with a smile, "Brother , call me by my name, my name is Bingluan."

"Little sister Bingluan, we happen to have something to go to Bodhi Village, can you take us with you?" Liu Meiling bent down and said softly to Bingluan.

Bingluan glanced at Liu Meiling.

However, as if he didn't hear Liu Meiling's words, he continued to hold Xia Zishang's hand, "Big Brother, is this auntie with you?"

Bingluan's voice was milky, and the words she said were angry, and the muscles on Liu Meiling's face twitched!
"Yes, I also want to visit Bodhi Village." Xia Zishang would not let go of this good opportunity.

Seeing that Xia Zishang also wanted to go, Bingluan smiled and led the crowd towards Bodhi Village.

Bodhi Village is located in the mountains and fields. In the valley, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. In spring, peach blossoms are in full bloom. The petals flying all over the sky are paved on the mountain path leading to Bodhi Village. It is like a fairyland. It is not an ordinary place, but The yearning Taoyuan Township.

Following the path to the outside of the village, Xia Zishang looked around, and there were at least sixty or seventy families in the village.

At the moment, I am standing under the banyan tree planted outside the village. This tree is at least a hundred years old, and the name of the village really fits the occasion.

Xia Zishang just came to stand at the entrance of the village, and it attracted the attention of many people.

Not only because Xia Zishang is a foreigner, but also because of her extraordinary temperament and appearance.

Today, Xia Zishang is still dressed in a light white robe. Her long eyebrows are like distant daisies, and there is a layer of clear and light clouds in her long and narrow phoenix eyes, like a fairy in the sky. Looking at her, I was afraid that my worldly spirit would spoil such a beautiful person.

Seeing foreigners coming, people from every household came out to watch the excitement. These people pointed at Xia Zishang and his party and poked and chattered constantly.

Xia Zishang saw that they seemed to have caused a commotion before entering the village, thinking about what they should do next.

"Look, they are the distinguished guests invited from the temple." The villagers did not know who said this first.

And these words immediately caused waves among the crowd.

After a while, an old man rushed forward surrounded by the villagers, and then bowed to Xia Zishang and the others respectfully, and said with a very bright face, "Welcome masters to visit our Bodhi Village, I I'm the head of Bodhi Village, you can call me Old Wang."

As soon as the village chief came over, other villagers crowded over to join in the fun. They kept talking about Xia Zishang and the six of them, but no one mentioned Bingluan.

Logically speaking, Bingluan is from the village, she was lost for three days, and when the villagers saw her come back, they had to ask a few questions.

(End of this chapter)

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