God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1138 Bodhi Bracelet

Chapter 1138 Bodhi Bracelet
But the people in the village didn't seem to have Bingluan. At most, three or two villagers noticed her existence, gave her a blank look, and then turned their heads without any reaction.

It's not that she doesn't like Bingluan so she doesn't speak, but these villagers seem to have nothing to do with her, no matter what she does, everyone will ignore her.

Bingluan seemed to be used to it, so she stood obediently and quietly beside Xia Zishang.

Seemingly aware of Xia Zishang's puzzled gaze at this moment, Bingluan raised her head, met her gaze, and smiled happily.

It's obviously not abnormal, but it looks so weird.

"Village Chief Wang, Mr. Xia among us saved the little girl in your village and sent her back to you." Gong Wuxie's face was slightly condensed, and he took the initiative to mention Bingluan.

Village head Lao Wang only took a look at Bingluan after hearing the words.

But after a quick glance with no expression on his face, the village head turned his gaze back to Xia Zishang and the six of them, "The six masters are indeed merciful. In fact, the villagers in our village went to the Bodhi Temple to pray for blessings yesterday. How many of them have they met and know?" All of you are distinguished guests who are about to attend the Fa Conference."

When the word "Fahui" was mentioned, all the villagers, including Lao Wang, showed longing looks, "The honored guests of Bodhi Temple are our honored guests. Please invite some of you to have a drink of tea."

Looking at the bracelet made of black bodhi worn on Old Wang's wrist, Xia Zishang nodded and agreed, "Then I'll take care of you."

"Where is it, it should be!" Old Wang's happy face was like a blooming chrysanthemum, and he quickly invited Xia Zishang and the others into the village.

Walking all the way on the small road of Bodhi Village, the villagers on both sides of the road were extremely enthusiastic. Seeing Xia Zishang and the others passing by, it was as if they had seen a god descending from the earth. Not only should they respectfully call them masters, but even put their hands together Put your palms together and bow to them directly.

Every household is extremely respectful, and on the wrists of these people, without exception, they all wear a string of black bodhi bracelets.

Looking at Bingluan who was still clutching the corner of her clothes and following her all the time, Xia Zishang didn't notice that she was wearing a bracelet.

The bracelets on the villagers' wrists are all made of black bodhisattvas, and a light white bead hangs on it. Inside the bead is a small iron plate the size of half a fingernail. There seems to be something engraved on it. It's just that Xia Zishang is far away, so she can't see clearly.

"Cunchang Wang, what is that thing you are wearing on your wrist?" Xia Zishang asked directly without hiding her curiosity.

"Oh, is that what you said? This is the treasure of our villagers! Anyone who wholeheartedly does good deeds and practices the Dharma will get a Bodhi bracelet issued by the Bodhi Temple. The iron plate in the merit bead on these bracelets is engraved with our birth date. , as long as we do good deeds, the merit beads will accumulate our merits." The village chief Wang puffed up his chest quite proudly when he said this, "The abbot once told us that those who have more than three thousand merits, I will be able to cultivate a good fortune, and I have accumulated more than 2000 merits."

Old Village Chief Wang had just finished speaking, and Gong Wuxie couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips.

There was a bit of sarcasm on the handsome face, Gong Wuxie's eyes flickered, emotions came and went in a hurry, and soon disappeared.

Xia Zishang guessed why Gong Wuxie made such a reaction, because she also found it incredible.

How can merit be so easy to accumulate?
(End of this chapter)

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