God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1139 Teach him how to behave

Chapter 1139 Teach him how to behave
If anyone can accumulate merit by doing good deeds, and use merit to change their fate, the world will be in chaos that day!
But the bodhi bracelets on these people's wrists do contain some goodwill power. If you look closely, the light white bead on the bracelet dances with tiny spots of light. According to the old village chief, it is indeed ' The more meritorious people there are, the more and brighter the light spots in the beads will be.

In a sense, the monks in the Bodhi Temple are not lying, and kindness can be regarded as a positive force, which is not harmful to the human body, but beneficial.

Curious how the people in the Bodhi Temple preserved their kindness. If Xia Zishang hadn't acted prudently, she would now like to get a bunch of Bodhi bracelets and study them carefully.

"What kind of merit, do you think the merit is the Chinese cabbage grown in your land, and you can have it if you want it? I think there are nine out of ten that those bald donkeys in the Bodhi Temple deliberately lied to you!" Fan Wenchang's voice There was an extremely discordant sound, and after he finished speaking, he didn't even forget to sneer.

The eyes of the villagers who were smiling all around were blazing with anger, and their expressions changed instantly.

"You are so brave, you dare to insult all the eminent monks!" The old Wang villager who was still kind just now gritted his teeth, raised his hand and pointed at Fan Wenchang's nose angrily, "Come here, beat up this filthy person, Throw it out, so as not to pollute the land of our village!"

"What are you talking about? You gangsters, let me see who dares to touch this young master!" Fan Wenchang pinched his waist with both hands, and before he could finish speaking, he was slapped on the face by angry villagers around him.

Immediately, he was beaten so hard that Fan Wenchang was pushed to the ground by the furious villagers. The fists of these villagers kept hitting Fan Wenchang like a storm.

Xia Zishang's indifferent eyes fell on Fan Wenchang.

Fan Wenchang's strength is actually pretty good, even without spiritual power, he still has some internal strength.

But he is the young master of the Fan family, a flower in the greenhouse, and the sudden rush of angry villagers made him flustered, so he forgot to use his internal strength to resist, and was pushed to the ground by the villagers like a dead pig. Teach him how to behave.

Even Xiaoge, who wanted to persuade the furious villagers, was implicated innocently. He was dragged by the villagers and punched and kicked. It was not until the master and servant were beaten into pig heads that the villagers let out a breath of anger , Throwing the two out of the village.

"I'm really sorry, I made a few of you laugh. It's just that the lives of the people in our Bodhi Village were all saved by the eminent monks of the Bodhi Temple, so we absolutely cannot tolerate anyone defiled our benefactor in front of us." Old Wang Village The chief regained his easy-going expression, and asked apologetically, "It happened suddenly just now, didn't you scare a few of you?"

"Of course not, village head, actually we don't like the master and servant, you are helping us out." Liu Meiling stepped forward and asked with a charming smile, "Village head, why do you say that the Bodhi Temple The monks are your saviors? Could it be that there is another story in this?"

"Of course there are. In the early years, an evil thing suddenly appeared in our village. The evil thing was extremely ferocious. It ate many children in our village and brought plagues and droughts, which made the people in our village almost die. Go down. At that time, thanks to the efforts of the eminent monks in the temple, they drove away the evil thing, cured our plague, and rescued us." Old Wang Village Chief sighed and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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