God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1140 All eminent monks are our recreated parents

Chapter 1140 All eminent monks are our recreated parents

"That's right, the eminent monks and masters in the temple are simply the reincarnation of living Bodhisattvas!" another villager said.

Village Chief Old Wang said, "It can be said that all the eminent monks are our reinvented parents. We obey the eminent monks and burn incense and pray for good deeds every day. Now our ten miles and eight villages are in good weather and everything is going well, and all the eminent monks also said , as long as we wear the bodhi bracelet, the escaped evil spirits will not come to our door again. It can be seen that our lives are all thanks to the protection of the bracelet. To tell you the truth, some people in the village were dissatisfied before, but it took only three days without the bracelet. I was bitten to death by an evil thing in the mountains..."

In the end, the villagers were left with lingering fears.

Xia Zishang's face was calm, and his thoughts were spinning around.

"Eh?" At this time, a villager exclaimed in surprise, "Masters, why don't you wear bracelets?"

After saying a word, all the villagers looked over in horror.

Sure enough, everyone's wrists were empty, and the villagers all took a step back in fright.

"You, where are your bracelets?" Old Village Chief Wang asked in horror as if seeing something strange.

"I came here in a hurry this morning, so I didn't bring it with me in the temple." Gong Wuxie said without blushing.

The villagers breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good." Old Village Chief Wang patted his chest and hurriedly said, "Put on the bracelet as soon as you get back, it's a spiritual thing that can protect you."

"Thank you for reminding me." Xia Zishang smiled and took the topic past.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world that he died in the mountains without wearing the bracelet for three days?

Moreover, if anyone without a bracelet would die, wouldn't the passers-by who didn't have a bracelet not live long?

In addition, there is another point that Xia Zishang cares about the most...

Looking down at Bingluan beside her, Xia Zishang's phoenix eyes were filled with confusion.

Bingluan is indeed a member of Bodhi Village, so why did Village Chief Wang turn pale when he mentioned not wearing a bracelet, but just ignore Bingluan?

Xia Zishang didn't want to irritate these villagers without raising his doubts.

Bodhi Temple is the villain of these villagers, and she will not commit crimes knowingly.

Next, I went to the ancestral hall at the entrance of the village to have tea. Xia Zishang listened to the village head Lao Wang and the villagers talking about how kind and kind the monks in the Bodhi Temple were.

After fully understanding the villagers' admiration and admiration for Bodhi Temple, Xia Zishang and the others rejected Lao Wang's enthusiastic suggestion that they stay for dinner.

"I'll send the big brothers out of the village." Bingluan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up and said at this moment.

To everyone's surprise, after listening to Bingluan's request, Old Village Chief Wang and the others had no opinion at all, and let her go with a smile.

Holding Xia Zishang tightly all the way, Bingluan sent Xia Zishang and his party out of Bodhi Village all the way.

"Big brother, do you have to go?" Bingluan asked pitifully, reluctantly raised her face.

It was already late at this moment, and the sun was setting, casting a layer of eye-catching crimson on Bingluan's cute little face, making her little expression look even more pitiful.

Xia Zishang smiled slightly, reached out and touched Bingluan's head, "I'll come to see you some other day."

For some reason, she could feel a special aura from Bingluan that ordinary girls don't have. Maybe this just proved the special fate between her and Bingluan.

(End of this chapter)

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