God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1142 There was a dense layer of small red rash

Chapter 1142 There is a dense layer of small red rash

Not daring to delay along the way, everyone finally returned to the Bodhi Temple before the black sky.

Standing at the gate of the Bodhi Temple, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After arriving at the gate of Bodhi Temple, Xia Zishang saw Jinhe waiting for them.

"All benefactors, are you enjoying the game?" Jin He smiled slightly, then stared at Fan Wenchang suspiciously, "Benefactor, what's wrong with your face?"

"Ah?" Fan Wenchang only felt the itch on his face, and asked in puzzlement.

Everyone was busy on their way along the way, and of course no one cared what happened to Fan Wenchang.

Following Jinhe's gaze and looking behind her, Xia Zishang saw a scene that made her frown.

I saw a dense layer of small red rashes on Fan Wenchang's face, and the red bumps were covered with dark yellow thick water, and when Fan Wenchang grabbed it hard, they burst open with a puff. Come, ooze foul-smelling pus.

At first glance, it is extremely disgusting.

Everyone took a step back indiscriminately, keeping a distance from him.

Xiao Ge yelled, took out a mirror from somewhere, and brought it to Fan Wenchang trembling.

"My face?! How did it become like this!" Fan Wenchang looked at his face in the mirror so ugly that he wanted to cry. He widened his eyes, and said fiercely after a flash of inspiration, "It must be the face in the village. Those gangsters, they poisoned me, I'm going back to settle accounts with them!"

"It's getting late, if the benefactor goes now, I'm afraid it will be a taboo." Jin He's light words floated over faintly.

Fan Wenchang paused, and everyone's hearts sank.

"It seems that everyone has been to Bodhi Village. However, I can guarantee that the strangeness of the benefactors is definitely not caused by the villagers. They are all good people. But did the benefactors provoke any unclean things in the mountains? Or, benefactor, you violated the precept?" Jin He asked.

Xia Zishang stood where she was, without saying a word.

What else could he have broken?When Fan Wenchang ate meat, she knew that the roast pork was not for nothing.

"Of course I didn't violate the precepts. I, I don't know why." Fan Wenchang looked away, wondering if it was because of a guilty conscience, and his body began to itch.

"Since this is the case, there is no need for the benefactor to worry. Besides, Pindao has a way to help the benefactor." Jin He smiled and said calmly, "Tonight we decided to hold a salvation meeting for the benefactor of Tiangui. All benefactors must come to attend."

"Okay, when will the Transcendence Conference start?" Looking at Jinhe, Xia Zishang agreed without hesitation.

"After an hour, today everyone can move freely in the temple until the end of the super-salvation meeting. However, the little monk reminds everyone that you don't need to do anything at the super-salvation meeting. You just need to sit obediently. If you don't, you will be at your own risk."

Xia Zishang and others nodded in agreement.

Jinhe led everyone to the cafeteria for dinner.

During the time of dinner, the originally clear night was covered with a layer of haze, thick dark clouds like splashed ink covered the sky, and the sound of thunder could be faintly heard, and a downpour seemed to be brewing in the heavy dark clouds.

An hour later, in the Buddhist hall.

A total of 99 monks gathered here in the Bodhi Temple. They sat scattered on the mats, forming a small gossip pattern. In front of the only old abbot wearing a golden cassock, there was a dark jar, the mouth of which was covered with three Zhang Jin's shining charm was sealed, and there was a faint smell of blood in it. It is not difficult to guess that there must be fragments of the corpse of the old man Tiangui who died tragically last night.

(End of this chapter)

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