Chapter 1143

Xia Zishang and the others sat in the outer corner, quietly watching the monks beating the wooden fish in their hands expressionlessly, chanting words, not knowing what they were talking about.

The gold-plated Buddha statue has kind eyebrows and kind eyes. Its head is lowered, and its eyes are slender and long. It seems to hide these other emotions, and it happens to be able to capture the scene of the monks casting spells below.

There was a violent wind outside the window, and a few flashes of thunder flashed in the dark clouds in the sky, indicating that the storm was coming.

"All the holy spirits in the world have grievances. Listen to my holy words, and you will get the solution, and keep your soul alive!" At this moment, the abbot's silver-white beard and hair fluttered, and he suddenly shouted loudly.

thump thump thump-!

After saying these words, the movements of the monks' hands gradually accelerated, their expressions were dull and devoid of any sense of sacredness, their eyes were bloodshot, and their lips that were dry to the point of cracking moved quickly. Holding the wooden fish drum, it is as hard as breaking the wooden fish in front of you.

The ear-piercing sound made people flustered, and Xia Zishang only felt that his soul seemed to be taken away by the sound of chanting.

Everyone's nerves were tense, seeing that the jar where the old man Tiangui was sitting suddenly jumped violently!

The strange evil wind burst through the gate of the Buddhist hall from outside the door with a bang, and broke into the Buddhist hall, bringing biting coldness, which made people's limbs stiff!
A strange chill ran all the way up to the Tianling Gai along his back, frightening his heartbeat to speed up crazily, and his heart flustered uncontrollably.

The sound of the wooden fish was like a drum beating to death, hitting everyone's hearts every time, such a heavy, dull feeling spread all over the body!

With a crash, the candle flames on the Buddhist altar danced as if disturbed by a demon wind. The flames were almost blown out, but then re-ignited. The candle flames danced like demons, but they would not go out no matter what.

The tributes on the altar trembled with the earth, the monks' voices became louder, and the speed of knocking on the wooden fish became faster and faster!

The cold thunder pierced the sky, and the glaring white light shot into the Buddhist hall eerily, bright as day in an instant!

The faces of the monks were completely colorless against the background of the thunder. A hollow puppet that didn't even blink its eyeballs!
Boom, boom!
The violent thunder in the dark clouds was like wild beasts, one after another, they were all very close to the Bodhi Temple, as if the next thunderbolt would fall on their heads!

The cold wind mixed with the smell of rain swept across, blowing the golden curtains in the Buddhist hall violently, almost being blown away!
Suddenly, a hazy light appeared in the sky, and a cold thunderbolt, like the rising sun at dawn, emerged from the thick clouds, aimed at the Bodhi Temple, and bombarded it heavily!

An ear-piercing loud noise pierced the sky, and when the thunder fell, the windows of the Buddhist hall were suddenly blown open by the evil wind, and a burst of damp moisture was rolled up, forcing Xia Zishang and the others to be unable to open their eyes.

The glaring white light stretched the shadows of the monks extremely long, and one could vaguely see that their shadows twisted strangely under the white light.

It's a pity that the thunder was fleeting, and the torrential rain poured down from the sky, crackling the smashed roof tiles.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the old man's miserable screams emanated from the pitch-black jar, painful and desperate, like the roar of a dying person.

This is the voice of the old man Tiangui!

The screams hit the soul directly, and Xia Zishang's brows felt a roar and severe pain, and he had to recite the Qingxin Mantra silently.

If he hadn't seen the corpse of the old man Tiangui with his own eyes, Xia Zishang would almost have felt that the old man Tiangui was alive and stuffed into the jar.

(End of this chapter)

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