God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1148 Was Disemboweled and Died

Chapter 1148 Was Disemboweled and Died
Half a quarter of an hour later, Xia Zishang and Jinhe rushed back to the small courtyard in the bamboo forest.

In the small courtyard, the three of Gong Wuxie stood in a row, and there was a person covered with a white cloth lying on the ground, while Xiaoge was kneeling on the ground, crying with snot and tears.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, young master, why did you die, once your intentions die, how can you explain to master!"

"What's going on, when did the person die?" Xia Zishang came over and asked.

"He died last night, he was disemboweled and died. Moreover, the murderer took his stomach away." Gong Wuxie said simply in horror.

Recalling that Fan Wenchang broke the precept to eat meat yesterday, Xia Zishang turned his head and glanced at Jinhe behind him.

Jin He stood not far away, expressionless on his face, at the moment he was reciting scriptures seriously with his head down, in order to save Sanskrit Wenchang.

"I want to see the corpse." Xia Zishang said, walking towards Fan Wenchang's body.

"Young Master Xia, you better not look at it, we just glanced inadvertently just now, he died a terrible death." Liu Meiling persuaded uneasily.

It's a pity that she couldn't persuade Xia Zishang, Xia Zishang walked quickly to Fan Wenchang's body, bent over, and stretched out his hand to lift off the white cloth covering his body.

Suddenly, a strong sour smell hit the face, making people's brains humming and painful.

Xia Zishang couldn't help but take a step back from the stench.

"What's this smell?" It's not just the smell of blood, it's mixed with a sour smell, like a slop tank, and it smells like meat.

"It's the pustules on his body." Gong Wuxie reminded.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whom the young master felt itchy. I finally fell asleep after taking the Anshen Pill..." Xiaoge choked up what happened last night.

The rooms where Fan Wenchang and Xiao Ge live are connected. After Fan Wenchang fell asleep, Xiao Ge fell asleep in another room. As a result, he didn’t know why he slept much later than usual. He thought he would be punished. The young master reprimanded him, but who knows, when he entered the door, he saw their young master dead on the couch. The hideous sight of his death still frightened Xiao Ge with lingering fears.

Xiaoge's crying eyes were swollen into peaches, which showed that he was not lying.

It is precisely because what Xiaoge said is true that it seems even more strange.

The murderer sneaked into the room, killed a man and disemboweled him. Xiao Ge was lying in another room separated by a curtain. It was impossible for him to be completely unaware.

If it was before, Xia Zishang would have suspected who the murderer was, but now that she has discovered the Taiyin Locking Demon Formation, the development of the matter is different.


"What's so pitiful about your young master? It's obvious that he committed a taboo and ate barbecue. Whoever dies will die if he doesn't die." Leng Yue said, looking at Fan Wenchang's body tremblingly, and she was glad that she didn't get greedy for a while yesterday.

Xiao Ge cried even more sadly.

Accompanied by Xiaoge's cry, Xia Zishang came to check Fan Wenchang's body.

Similar to what Xiaoge said, Fan Wenchang should have had his stomach cut by the murderer while he was still alive, until he lost blood and died.

What's strange is that the sedative medicine that Fan Wenchang took could at most make him fall asleep, and it wouldn't make him feel unresponsive until his belly was ripped open.

(End of this chapter)

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