Chapter 1149
This point is very strange.

After Fan Wenchang woke up in severe pain, why didn't he ask for help?

You know, Xiao Ge is in the room next to him, and any movement by him can attract Xiao Ge's attention.

But he stared stiffly, allowing himself to lose blood and die.

Thinking, Xia Zishang saw the word "two" drawn with blood on the palm of Fan Wenchang's palm.

Tiangui old man is one, and Fan Wenchang is two...

However, after coming to the temple for two nights, two people died in a row.

Death is approaching quietly, and no one can continue to remain calm.

"Little Master Jinhe." Leng Yue walked up to Jinhe anxiously with a pale face, and asked, "Little Master Jinhe, must your Dharma conference start in another five days? Can't it start right away?" ?"

If someone dies on this day, Leng Yue is afraid that it will be her turn soon!
"This, I'm afraid it won't work..." Jin He smiled apologetically, "The best day for the Fa Conference is calculated by our abbot for seven days. If we change it without authorization, the gods will be wrathful."

"Gods and Buddhas should save all sentient beings. Now our lives are at stake. Letting us leave this place after starting the puja in advance is considered a great merit. The gods and Buddhas should be happy. Why are they angry?" With sharp eyes hidden, Gong Wuxie If you can see everything, ask sharply.

Jinhe took a deep look at Gong Wuxie when he heard the words, "Yesterday, there was a little accident when we cast spells for the benefactor of Tiangui. Tonight, the monks from our Bodhi Temple will come here together. Before the two of them die So please cooperate with us in the rescue tonight, and don’t make trouble, so as not to disturb the rest of the dead.”

After finishing speaking, Jinhe saluted, turned and left.

"Avoid the important and take the light." After a light comment, Gong Wuxie turned her gaze to Xia Zishang beside her, "You went out so early in the morning?"

"Well, just wander around." Xia Zishang didn't intend to cooperate with Gong Wuxie, so naturally he wouldn't tell him about the Taiyin Locking Demon Formation.

Gong Wuxie had no intention of delving into this matter, so she nodded lightly and ended the topic.

After a hurried breakfast, Xia Zishang pretended to go out to search for clues, and went to the small garden again.

Unexpectedly, in the small garden, an eminent monk in the courtyard was explaining Buddhist scriptures to the villagers, and a group of people were sitting under the big locust tree, so Xia Zishang had no chance to get close.

Thinking of coming again tomorrow morning, Xia Zishang quietly waited for the night to come.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that when Jinhe brought over the dinner, he suddenly told everyone that they couldn't participate in the salvation meeting tonight.

"Although everyone has lived in the temple for a few days, you are still outsiders. It was your previous viewing that caused the first failure of the supernatural power. Therefore, for the sake of caution this time, I hope you will stay behind closed doors tonight. , remember not to disturb our salvation." Jin He said cautiously.

"Then, can't you just take a look?" Liu Meiling asked cautiously.

Jin He remained expressionless, and said coldly, "The benefactor is trying to break a taboo?"

Hearing this, Liu Meiling immediately put away her excited expression, then bowed her head resignedly, and stopped talking.

"Just sleep well, everyone. The salvation conference will not last long. We will leave on our own after completion. Please wait until sunrise tomorrow morning before going out." Jin He left quickly after finishing his cold instructions.

(End of this chapter)

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