God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1151 Two blood-red jars

Chapter 1151 Two blood-red jars

However, the supposedly merciful monks pulled out their bright red knives as if they had never heard of it, and turned away calmly.

Next, another monk stepped forward and also sent the sharp blade into the deer's body.

Everyone's expression was numb and pale, the blood splattered from the deer's body stained their armholes red, but they didn't even look at it, as if everything that happened now was taken for granted.

From the very beginning, Xiaolu struggled hard until he finally lost all strength.

The smell of blood filled the air, and the blood dripped into the well water.

As the abbot's last staff pierced the deer's heart, the rope that was hanging the deer suddenly broke for some reason, causing the deer's bloody corpse to fall into the well with a bang!

A gust of evil wind with a hidden fishy smell came from nowhere, the sound was very similar to crying, no male or female could be identified, whining and whirring hovered in the air.

The flames in the lantern were blown out by the evil wind, and immediately after a moment of darkness, the flames reappeared.

As if fresh blood had melted into the flames, the flames in the lantern turned blood red, and the projected red light was reflected on the monk's face, making everyone look vicious like a ghost!

However, such a weird scene did not make anyone feel uncomfortable. Instead, the abbot suddenly grinned, revealing an extremely twisted and triumphant smile.

Immediately, two blood-red jars were lifted up.

The two jars are made of expensive red crystal, the whole body is translucent, and the contents inside can be vaguely seen.

The first jar contained, of course, Fan Wenchang.

It's hard to imagine that a seven-foot man like Fan Wenchang could be accommodated in such a small jar. In the jar, Fan Wenchang's whole body was curled up to a terrible degree. His head was buried between his knees, and his arms Hugging her calves tightly, her back curled up like a shrimp, hugging herself so hard, as if trying to wring her body to pieces.

And the other jar is filled with this pool of flesh and blood that looks like mud. The stench from the flesh and blood is so familiar, it is the residue left over from the corpse of the old man Tiangui yesterday!
The moment the two jars were taken out, the originally calm well water suddenly became violently turbulent, and small bubbles bubbled out of it, and a pair of scarlet eyes could be faintly seen lurking in the water!

Greedy and bloodthirsty eyes, lurking in the darkness, let out a weird laugh.

Amidst laughter, the monks opened the jar.

The flesh and blood transformed by the old man Tiangui fell into the well water along with the stench.

Fan Wenchang followed closely behind. His corpse seemed to be soft and boneless, and he easily slipped through the narrow mouth of the altar, like a slippery catfish, high along the mouth of the well, and fell into the well.

Plop-!There was the sound of falling water, followed by the sound of creaking and chewing.

Greedy and excited, as if the bodies of the two were the best delicacy in the world, and the things in the well water couldn't wait to swallow them into their stomachs.

The faces of the abbot and the monks all showed extremely gratified smiles. Everyone stepped forward to bite their fingertips and dripped blood into the well water.

At this time, the flame in the lantern flickered again, and the blood-red flame disappeared with a puff, except that only the wick of the candle was still emitting green smoke.

The monks were full of glory. They seemed to have accomplished some sacred event. After prostrating three times and nine times facing the black well, they finally left the bamboo forest courtyard one by one under the cold moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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