God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1153 Not Just a Coincidence

Chapter 1153 Not Just a Coincidence

The black creature looked extremely weird under the hazy sky. It seemed to be a smoke without substance, but it also seemed to have a substance. It turned into a big black mouth with an ow, and bit at Xiaoge.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoge didn't panic at all, on the contrary, he laughed wildly as if his wish had come true.

He looked at Xia Zishang, and then, as if showing off, with blood on his face, he drew the word 'three' on his face with his fingers.


The huge mouth of the abyss fell down, biting off Xiaoge's waist!
Fresh blood spurted out from the cut, Xiaoge's lower body was still twitching, and then he was bitten by the giant mouth.

Dragging Xiao Ge's broken body, the weird thing quickly twisted in the air, and then drilled back into the black well under the hazy sky.

Xia Zishang couldn't help showing a look of surprise at the loud splash of falling into the water.

Everything happened very quickly just now, but Xiaoge was swallowed by the weird creature in the well in an instant.

In my mind, Fan Wenchang couldn't help but think of when Fan Wenchang almost fell into the well the first day he came here. He looked like he had epilepsy. Xia Zishang can be sure that this black well is definitely not simple, and there must be something weird hidden in the well!
The two remained silent until a quarter of an hour later, when the first ray of sunlight pierced through the hazy darkness and the sky was fully brightened, the two stepped out of the room at the same time.

Walking towards the black well at the same time, the two of them glanced at the pieces of meat and blood left by the well.

Then, the two looked into the well.

There was a strong and pungent smell of blood from the black well. The pitch-black well water did not contain any ripples, and it was as quiet as a gemstone mirror. There was a sense of holiness, and the calmness was outrageous.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go into the room and discuss it slowly." Gong Wuxie was about to go to his room with Xia Zishang to discuss further, but suddenly heard a creak.

Looking towards the east wing at the same time, the two saw Liu Meiling walking out of the room with a pale face.

As if overwhelmed by fright, Liu Meiling's body kept trembling, and tremblingly asked, "Just now, what was that just now?"

Looking at Liu Meiling's reaction, it can be seen that she must have witnessed everything just now. Xia Zishang did not expect that two people, like her, noticed Xiaoge's strangeness.

"I don't know." After speaking, Xia Zishang's eyes were deep, and he looked in the direction of Heijing.

"Are you going to discuss it? I want to go with you too!" Liu Meiling bravely ran towards the direction where the two were.

Seeing this, Xia Zishang just took a deep look at Liu Meiling, then put away her emotions, and the three of them strode together to Gong Wuxie's room.

After entering the room, Liu Meiling's legs went limp uncontrollably, and she sat slumped in front of the table.

"The boy just now must have been controlled by the evil, so he took the initiative to sacrifice himself and was swallowed by the evil." Gong Wuxie looked very calm, and his tone was as cold as a millennium frost, and nothing appeared Special waves.

"Jinhe's attitude towards Heijing was also very unusual, and what the monks did yesterday seemed to be around Heijing. It must not be just a coincidence." Xia Zishang analyzed calmly with a cold expression.

(End of this chapter)

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