Chapter 1154
"I also heard that last night the wind blew towards the east wing where I slept, bringing a bloody smell, and I don't know what those monks are doing..." Liu Meiling said in fear.

"Of the four of us, three of us heard the movement. Why didn't Leng Yue, who lived alone with you in the East Wing, hear the movement?" Xia Zishang thought of Leng Yue, that girl had been very vigilant all the time. Logically speaking, Xiao Shi's movement was so loud just now, she shouldn't have been unaware.

"Yue'er was frightened by the noise made by the monks last night. She fell asleep after taking the Anshen Pill, so she didn't wake up." After answering the question obediently, Liu Meiling asked anxiously, "You two sons , what should we do now?"

When it came to the end, Liu Meiling lowered her head in despair, with a mournful face and a look of bewilderment.

"Since the problem is at the bottom of the well, let's go down and see what's causing the trouble." Gong Wuxie was straightforward, and took out three water-proof beads, "It just so happens that I have three water-proof beads here, enough for us to go down the well, I have been breathing in the well for two or three hours."

"Well, it's not too late, let's go as soon as possible." Xia Zishang nodded in agreement, and the two got ready.

Liu Meiling was timid, but both of them wanted to go, and she had no other way to follow her fate.

Within a quarter of an hour, the three of them got ready and came to the black well with water-proof beads in their hands.

In the black well, the pitch-black well water could not tell the depth, like a creeping beast, just waiting for Xia Zishang and the other three to come to the door, and then devoured the three of them in one bite!
"I'll go down first." Gong Wuxie put the water-proof beads on the front and back of her body, and immediately jumped into the black well.


Gong Wuxie fell into the water and made a huge splash.

Xia Zishang looked down from the mouth of the well, and saw Gong Wuxie quickly dived into the water, and said loudly to the two, "The water is just a little cold, come down."

Xia Zishang also jumped when she heard that she had worn the water-proof beads.

Within a moment of falling, Xia Zishang's snow-white figure fell into the pitch-black well water, and her five senses were immediately flooded by the water. The biting coldness penetrated her skin like an ice cone, and the cold air invaded her body, almost giving her the feeling that her bone marrow would be frozen illusion!
Quickly and nimbly, she got out of the well water, Xia Zishang coughed violently, then turned her head and glanced at Gong Wuxie who was beside her speechlessly.

Did Gong Wuxie lose his facial features? The water is so cold, but he said it so easily!
No effort and Gong Wuxie planned the smaller details, Xia Zishang heard an uneasy scream, and then Liu Meiling jumped down.

There was another loud splash.

"We can't use spiritual power at the moment, so it's not suitable to stay here." Feeling the biting cold breath in the well water, Xia Zishang was even more sure that there was something wrong with this ghostly place.

After Xia Zishang said this, he plunged into the depths of the well.

Gong Wuxie followed closely behind, Liu Meiling had no choice but to follow her fate.

The deeper you go into the well water, the colder the well water around you becomes.

There was a strange smell vaguely in the water, the black well was bottomless, and the three of them swam forward with the night pearl in their hands, and they discovered that the water in the well led underground and connected to a large deep pool underground.

The three of them discovered the deep pool, and immediately felt a faint plop from behind them.

It was as if something had been cautiously dropped into the well water, the sound was extremely soft, seemingly absent.

The three of them turned around vigilantly and looked behind them at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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