God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1155 It seems that something is following us

Chapter 1155 It seems that something is following us
From this angle, they could vaguely see where the black well was.

However, there were only slight waves in the water, and nothing followed.

Seeing this, the three looked away and continued to move forward.

With the faint light of the night pearl, the three of them could vaguely see that there was no living thing in the huge deep pool. Looking around, the bottom of the deep pool was condensed with a thick layer of silt, and the blackness of the silt showed a little strangeness. The red color, as if stained with blood, made Xia Zishang look familiar.

Immediately, the corpse of the old man Tiangui that melted in the jar appeared in his mind.

His expression suddenly changed slightly, and an extremely bad premonition emerged in Xia Zishang's heart.

At this time, a reef directly in front of them continuously released faint brilliance, like a guidepost in the dark pool water, attracting the attention of the three of them.

However, the three of them took a closer look, only to find that contrary to the warm and soft light, the reef was filled with a palpitating chill and resentment, and the reef was actually inlaid with skulls.

These skulls had been soaked in the pitch-black pool water for an unknown number of years, and at first glance they were faintly blackened. There were a hundred of them.

Right in front of the reef, bursts of splendor glowed in a seemingly natural karst cave, and the deep cave spread all the way forward, leading to nowhere.

Xia Zishang swam into the cave without hesitation.

The moment they entered the cave, a burst of evil spirit rushed towards their faces accompanied by a strange sinister laughter. This laughter seemed extremely strange, and it shocked the eardrums of the three of them.

The dark and damp atmosphere rushed towards the face, and the cave was silent, as if a ghost hand was about to move in the dark, waiting to pounce on it and end the lives of the three people present.

Standing outside the cave, Xia Zishang could clearly feel the unusual atmosphere inside the cave.

The vicious sight, like a poisonous snake crawling in the dark, stared at them.

At this time, there seemed to be a black shadow, whooshing from behind the three of them.

"Ah!" Liu Meiling's voice was a little blurred under the water, the tone of her voice was distorted and distorted, it sounded like a ghost crying. "It seems like something is following us..."

As she said that, Liu Meiling turned her head tremblingly, and glanced behind her.

There was a slight wave of waves in the pitch-black pool, but there was no one in sight.

"I, I really saw it..." Liu Meiling explained uneasily.

Xia Zishang took a deep look at Liu Meiling, then pulled out the spirit whip on her wrist, and walked towards the depths of the cave in silence.

Seeing that the two of them ignored her, Liu Meiling felt a little disappointed for a while.

However, Liu Meiling didn't know that Xia Zishang had actually noticed behind them, and there seemed to be an aura following them all the time.

However, it is still unclear who the owner of this breath is.

That being the case, don't scare the snake away.

The figures of the three melted into the dark cave, and then the scenery in front of them suddenly opened up.

The karst cave was actually connected to an exit, and the three of them drilled out of the water along the exit, and found that there was a strange cave here, and what appeared in front of them was a huge natural grotto.

According to the terrain, they are now located in the belly of Mount Puti, and the grotto seems to have hollowed out Mount Puti. There are shark oil lamps left by people on both sides of the wide road. The blue flame faintly illuminated the road in front of the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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