God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1171 Another Cave

Chapter 1171 Another Cave

The moment the key fell into the special keyhole, there was the sound of the reel running, and the diamond-shaped cumbersome mysterious lock on the door was opened, and it suddenly bloomed like a black lotus flower.

Each petal made of cold iron stretched wantonly like a living thing, and immediately, the heavy and unshakable door opened slowly.

The human skin that sealed the cracks of the gate seemed to be torn apart. As the gate opened, the human skin was gradually broken, and bursts of terrifying yin energy continuously seeped out from the gate, revealing bursts of Weird evil spirit.

Both backed away simultaneously to avoid inhaling the deadly gas.

And at the same time as the two retreated, only two swishing sounds were heard, and two black and poisonous feather arrows flew out of the crack of the door without warning, heading straight for the two of them!

The hearts of the two trembled, and then they retreated at the same time, quickly dodging to avoid the two fatal attacks.

The pitch-black feathered arrows outlined a cloud of Yin Qi in the air, and through the clothes, it seemed that two sharp knives had cut through the two of them.

After quickly dodging two attacks, a gust of dark wind howled out from the door.

The cold cloudy air rushed over the faces of the two of them, shaking their minds.

Quickly steadying their minds, the two passed through the open door and strode into the iron gate.

The moment they stepped into the iron gate, four figures appeared in front of the two of them.

The two looked at the four figures vigilantly, and were surprised to find that they were not living people, but stone sculptures.

It's just that the appearance of these four stone carvings is very strange. They are dressed in the cassocks of eminent monks, and their expressions are painful, as if they are experiencing great pain. Their movements are lifelike, and their despair can be seen from their empty eyes.

It seems that they are not stone carvings, but were fixed here at the last moment of their lives and turned into stone carvings.

The stone carvings stand quietly, showing the desolation behind the iron gate.

It is obviously only a door away, but behind the iron gate is like another world, the temperature here is frighteningly low, if someone who is restless comes here, he will be instantly dazzled by the Yin Qi, and then he will be trapped to death here.

Surrounded by darkness, Xia Zishang took out the night pearl in his arms and illuminated the road in front of him.

Tick, tick.

The strange sound of water flowed from the front, and the two looked around, only to find that they had walked into another cave. This cave was darker and more humid than the one just now. A pale will-o'-the-wisp was ignited, and the gloom was even more terrifying.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." After the two finished speaking, they fell silent and walked quietly towards the depths of the cave.

The uneven ground under his feet exudes a cold and hard touch, and every time he takes a step, the chill spreads upwards along the soles of his feet, almost penetrating into the bone marrow.

Tick ​​tock.There was a constant ticking sound like water droplets splashing on the water surface, and the cold wind blowing in front was mixed with damp cold mist, which soon stained the robes used by the two with a layer of water vapor.

The whistling wind blew past the ears, like the last breath of a dead person, enveloping the bodies of the two with a gloomy air, causing goosebumps all over the body involuntarily.

Looking around, the front is slightly bright, which is the exit of the cave.

The moment they stepped out of the cave, their feet softened and they almost fell.

(End of this chapter)

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