Chapter 1172

Fortunately, both of them were prepared, and clasped their fingers on the mountain wall beside them, so they didn't fall.

The exit of the cave was actually suspended in the air, and a deep blue pool could be seen below. The surface of the pool was sparkling, reflecting the shallow light emitted by some spars on the cave roof.

Looking from a distance, this place that should have been like a fairyland on earth is filled with a strong evil spirit.

The strong evil spirit turned into a cloud of haze covering the sky above, staining the cave with a touch of weirdness.

On the mountain wall, blood painted a large area of ​​hideous patterns, and a series of dark chains spread from the mountain wall to the water. If you count carefully, there are exactly seven chains.

Seeing the shape of the seven chains presented by the seven chains, Xia Zishang's expression changed slightly.

"It's the Seven Stars Trapped Spirit Formation!" Xia Zishang said, looking towards the pool along the dark chains.

The seven chains gathered in the center of the pool, and there, a vague figure could be seen.

The seven-star trapping spirit formation is an evil formation, and those trapped by it are often powerful and powerful people. From this, it can be seen that the figure must be an existence that would make Xie Chong fearful, so Xie Chong did everything possible to capture this high-ranking person. People are stuck here!

However, from their current perspective, it is very difficult to see who that expert is.

And, more importantly, the tall man was motionless, quietly soaking in the pool water, as if he was already dead.

Just when Xia Zishang was struggling, a terrifying sinister smile appeared out of thin air.

"Jie Jie Jie!" The ear-piercing, sinister laughter made the hearts of both of them tense at the same time.

I saw a cloud of black evil energy appearing out of thin air, and that aura was exactly the same as the evil spirit Xia Zishang and the others had seen before!
Suddenly, the situation changed, and a mass of evil energy turned into invisible palms, which pinched the throats of Xia Zishang and the others.

There was a sharp pain in their throats, Xia Zishang and the two of them raised their internal strength to the extreme, and bounced off the evil attack.

Seeing this scene, Xie Chong laughed ferociously.

Two scarlet eyes drilled out of the black mist, and the evil aura around him was horrifying. The evil energy in his body condensed into two pitch-black spears, and shot straight at Xia Zishang and the two of them!

The eyes of Xia Zishang and the two of them froze, and they were about to make a move, but unexpectedly, a ray of light suddenly shot out from the pool below.

With a whoosh, the light shot through Xie Chong's body like black mist.

Immediately, a painful and ferocious scream came out of his throat, and he glared at the figure in the deep pool evilly and fearfully, and let out a threatening roar.

However, Xie Chong had no choice but to give a contemptuous sneer from the master in the deep pool.

Just like this, the horrific murderous aura around Xie Chong disappeared in an instant, and it let out a howl like a wail. The sound wave spread rapidly, and finally turned into seven groups of evil aura, which suddenly bombarded the seven chains.

Immediately, the seven chains originally inlaid on the wall began to rattle.

The pattern of the seven stars in a row gradually spread out and changed towards the pattern of the Big Dipper.

Xia Zishang's face changed suddenly, "The evil spirit has changed its formation!"

Once the Seven Stars Lianzhu becomes the Big Dipper, then the Seven Stars Trapped Spirit Formation will become the Seven Stars Killing Spirit Formation!

Once the transformation of the formation is completed, the expert in the deep pool will surely die!
The eminent monk in the deep pool seemed to have sensed the approaching danger, and he sighed, "Oh, you unrepentant beast."

The evil spirit let out a menacing roar, then turned into a beam of light and shot out.

(End of this chapter)

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