God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1173 Dare to Ask Senior Who?

Chapter 1173 Dare to Ask Senior Who?

"There's no need to chase it, I know where that beast is going." In the pool, came an old and weak voice, but not majestic.

"Dare to ask senior who?" Gong Wuxie asked.

"The old man's dharma name is Mie Ji, and he is the abbot of Bodhi Temple." At the same time as the old man's thick voice sounded, the pool that should have been calm suddenly became restless.

In the pool, the jeering cries of wild animals can be faintly heard.

Taking out the night pearl facing down to illuminate the deep pool, Xia Zishang and the two of them could clearly see Master Mie Ji and the two giant rats with hideous faces entrenched around him!

The mouse's head and tail are as long as Xia Zishang's arms. They can move freely underwater. At the moment, they are squeaking and attacking Master Mie Ji with their teeth. enchantment.

The seven chains were still constantly shifting, and every time they moved, Master Mie Ji's face would turn pale.

I saw that the seven chains were tightly wrapped around Master Mie Ji, locking his limbs, neck and two butterfly bones respectively.

These chains are all stuck in the bones of Master Mieji. Once the chains are finally dislocated and connected to look like the Big Dipper, the chains will pull Master Mieji's bones and completely dislocate them. Waiting for Master Miji's end is naturally self-evident. .

"Squeak!" The two mice were still slamming wildly. They were so powerful that they had already cracked the barrier covering Master Mie Ji's body.

When Xia Zishang saw this scene, they both jumped.

Jumping into the pool without hesitation, Xia Zishang swept across with a whip in his hand, entangled a mouse, and threw it flying.

The mouse's head hit the mountain wall on one side heavily, and there was a loud bang.

The mouse's wet body twisted quickly, and then fell heavily into the pool. The pain caused it to growl angrily twice, and then quickly rushed towards Xia Zishang's direction.

The mouse was extremely fast, and it rushed to Xia Zishang in an instant.

Taking out the sharp dagger from his bosom, Xia Zishang raised his hand to sweep it, and the sharp blade would stab the mouse from the cap. With a wave of Xia Zishang, the dagger easily split the mouse in two from the middle!
At the same time, the long sword in Gong Wuxie's hand fell mercilessly at the same time, chopping off a mouse heavily.

However, Master Mie Ji didn't feel relieved when he saw this scene, a serious look appeared on his pale and serious old face.

I saw that the wounds of the two mice that were supposed to be dead healed quickly, and then they were split into two!
The original two mice suddenly split into four!

They were only half of their original size, but the four water mice were still as ferocious as before, wagging their tails quickly, and continued to rush towards the direction of the two of them frantically.

The almost terrifying speed made Xia Zishang and the two of them have to do their best to resist.

In this way, the rats cannot be killed, they can only deal with them, otherwise, once they are injured, more of their kind will split from their wounds.

Xia Zishang was forced to retreat all the way to the edge of the mountain wall, and then saw a water mouse squeaked twice, opened its sharp mouse teeth, and gnawed towards her.

Quickly dodging the water mouse's attack, Xia Zishang saw the hideous thing rubbing against her side, and bit the mountain wall behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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