God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1174 Two Strings of Bodhi Seeds

Chapter 1174 Two Strings of Bodhi Seeds

With a click, the rock on the mountain wall fell into the mouth of the water mouse, and was easily chewed into pieces by it.

Even swallowing the crumbs in one gulp, the water mouse ran towards Xia Zishang again.

There was no other way, Xia Zishang turned her head and shouted behind her, "Gong Wuxie, lead all the water mice to me!"

Gong Wuxie was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and immediately followed Xia Zishang's request, and quickly led the water mice to her direction.

Four water mice rushed towards Xia Zishang at the same time.

Putting away the dagger in his hand, Xia Zishang held the whip in his hand, and the horrified inner force of his body forcibly gathered the water mice, and then quickly swung the whip, trapping these disgusting and hideous mice.

"Squeak!" Struggling restlessly, the mice twisted their bodies crazily, as if they wanted to pounce on Xia Zishang and eat them alive.

Xia Zishang breathed a sigh of relief after directly hanging the four mice on the raised mountain wall with the whip.

However, these four water mice were not to be outdone, and after gnawing on the spirit whips, they bit each other's bodies.

There was a cold murderous look in Xia Zishang's eyes, she never thought that these mice were so smart.

If this goes on, once the rats chew on the bodies of their companions or are crushed by their companions, their corpses will become new rats.

At most, it could only delay the mouse's movement a little bit. If it wasn't for using spiritual power to completely wipe out these evil creatures into invisible, then they would keep attacking.

"Gong Wuxie, let go of the abbot first, and break the formation!" Xia Zishang turned her head, and saw that Gong Wuxie had stepped forward with a long sword in her hand, and then chopped all the chains into pieces.

The seven-star killing spirit array is indeed vicious, because once a person is locked by the seven chains, the spiritual power and internal power in the body cannot be used, and it is impossible to get rid of the shackles with only one person's strength.

However, as long as outsiders help and cut off the chain in time, the formation will naturally break down without attack.

However, if the chain goes deep into the human body, it will still cause great harm to the person being cast.

It was also because Xie Chong knew this that he locked up Master Mieji here, fearing that someone would come to rescue him.

After Master Mie Ji was rescued, those who were weak would sink into the pool.

Gong Wuxie's heart tightened, she hurried forward to help, and stabilized Master Mieji's body.

The chains on his body had already penetrated into the flesh and locked the bones. Master Mieji was dripping with blood, and his consciousness gradually became hazy, except for the shrewd cold light dancing in his eyes, "Quick, quick, take out the two strings of bodhi seeds on my chest !"

After hearing Master Mieji's words, Xia Zishang took out two bunches of bodhi seeds.

The whole body of the bodhi seed is jade-colored, and its tentacles are warm. The moment it is taken out, there are bursts of sacred Buddha light around it.

"Each person takes a string, get rid of all distracting thoughts, and follow the old monk to recite the "Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra"!" While speaking, Master Mieji coughed up a mouthful of blood, but he still held his string of emerald beads and began to recite loudly.

Both Xia Zishang and Gong Wuxie took a deep breath, cleared away all distracting thoughts in their minds, and began to read aloud following Master Mieji.

"The first product law will be divided by reason
So I heard that at one time, the Buddha was in the garden of the lonely tree in the country of Sravasti, and there were thousands of 250 monks together.At that time, when the World Honored One was eating, he wore his robe and held his bowl,
Begging for alms in the great city of Sravasti.In the city, the next time I begged, I returned to my place.After the meal is over, the robe and bowl are collected, the feet are washed, and the seat is covered and sat down..."

(End of this chapter)

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