Chapter 1175
The sacred Buddha's light diffused from the three people's bodies, and then turned into a golden beam of light, piercing through the four dirty mice.

"Squeak!" The miserable howl echoed in the air, and the body of the water mouse was quickly purified and eliminated, and it became invisible and dissipated in the air.

Without stopping the recitation, the energy in the bodhizi flowed out of the air along with the scriptures, and flowed into the bodies of Xia Zishang and the two of them, instantly eliminating the Yin Qi in their bodies.

At the same time, the chains that tightly locked Master Mie Ji's bones also dissipated invisible amidst the sound of the two chanting sutras.

Only then did the two stop reciting, and then pulled Master Mie Ji away from here and returned to the shore.

"Thank you to the two benefactors for your help..." Master Mie Ji squeezed out a pale smile, and coughed twice uncontrollably.

"Master's words are serious." Xia Zishang took out the elixir and gave it to Master Mieji first, then asked, "Master Mieji, you are the real abbot of Bodhi Temple, so who is the abbot now?"

"That's my brother, Yuankong. He is also a Buddhist, but he was tempted by evil spirits halfway and embarked on a road of no return... A few years ago, he started to renovate the monastery. I found out his strangeness, so I thought He wanted to stop it, but unexpectedly, his hands were already stained with blood at that time, and he was guilty of killing several times. His inner demon gave birth to an evil spirit. Unexpectedly, he and the Holy Lord of the Heavenly Spirit counterattacked carelessly for a moment, resulting in being trapped here..."

"The other monks in that temple are also demon monks?" Gong Wuxie asked.

"No, they are all good people, but their cultivation base is too low to resist the evil spirit of the Holy Lord of the Heavenly Spirit, so they will be controlled... Ahem, the Holy Lord of the Heavenly Spirit knows that the old monk is the only one who can kill it , but as an evil spirit, it had no ability to kill the old monk back then, so it set up a formation to trap the boss, so as to eliminate the energy of the old monk. Today is the day when it becomes a demon, and it only needs to eat Yuankong again The few sacrifices it prepares can become a demon, and the old monk should have been exhausted, but thanks to the two benefactors, he was saved."

"Two benefactors, the Holy Lord of the Heavenly Spirit escaped just now. He must have gone out to take the sacrifice. If there is no accident, it has become a demon. Please leave the two benefactors quickly and don't get entangled with it. The old man will be responsible to the end , perish with that evil spirit!" Master Mieji said with a determined expression.

"Master Mieji, the Holy Master has not yet become a demon." Gong Wuxie casually raised the corners of her lips and said.

"How did the benefactor know?" Master Mie Ji asked in puzzlement.

"Because we are the sacrifices that Yuan Kong intends to offer to the Holy Lord." Xia Zishang said with a smile.

"Master Mieji, I don't know if the two of us can help. Can you get rid of the evil spirits while ensuring your own safety?" Xia Zishang has investigated the Taiyin Locking Demon Formation formed by Bodhi Temple. The eye of this formation is exactly the sky. Holy Lord Ling, as long as you kill Holy Lord Heavenly Spirit, the formation will be broken without attack!

"The two benefactors, although the Holy Lord of Heavenly Spirit has not become a demon, he is in great danger." Master Mie Ji worried.

"It's okay, but we want to ask the host to hold a ceremony for us after everything is settled." Gong Wuxie asked gently.

After listening to Mie Ji's words, Xia Zishang finally understood why Jinhe said that they could leave as long as they finished attending the Fa conference.

(End of this chapter)

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