God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1188 Help me!I beg you!

Chapter 1188 Help me!I beg you!
When the other students saw what the freckled girl said, they all looked at Butler Ouyang expectantly.

Steward Ouyang stared deeply at the freckled girl, and said softly, "Since you don't want to participate in our game, of course I won't force you."

After finishing speaking, Steward Ouyang clapped his hands lightly.

Then, there was a sound of neat footsteps, and two burly men in black suits entered the dining room and walked straight towards the freckled girl.

"You, what are you going to do?" the freckled girl cried out in horror.

Regardless of the freckled girl's struggle, the two burly men supported her from left to right and walked out of the dining room.

"Help me! Help me!" The freckled girl seemed to feel the footsteps of death approaching her, and the scream full of fear almost changed her tone. When she passed by Xia Zishang, she suddenly stretched out her hand Go grab Xia Zishang's shoulder.

Like grabbing a life-saving piece of driftwood, the freckled girl's nails were embedded in the flesh of Xia Zishang's shoulder.

"Help me! Please!"

Xia Zishang looked at the freckled girl's face full of despair and fear, reached out and grabbed the freckled girl's wrist that was pulling her shoulder, and pulled her hand off her shoulder.

"Where do you want to take her?" Xia Zishang then asked the two burly men in front of him.

The two burly men completely ignored Xia Zishang's words, like cold statues, without any reaction.

"She wants to go home, of course I sent her home." At this time, Ouyang Butler came to Xia Zishang and the freckled girl. He looked at Xia Zishang with great interest, and continued to smile and said, " This classmate, do you have any opinion?"

"Do you still want to go home now?" Xia Zishang ignored Butler Ouyang, but asked the freckled girl lightly.

The girl with freckles already regretted being so impulsive just now. She remembered that when she and several other students just arrived at this villa yesterday, a boy was also clamoring to go home, but was dragged away by two burly men , and then the boy disappeared.

They all knew that the boy did not go home, because this is an island, there are no boats at the pier, and the means of transportation to leave here is a helicopter, but the helicopter has been parked on the lawn and never left.

So where did the boy go, no one knows.

So, when the girl with freckles saw the two burly men, she guessed that she might disappear inexplicably like the boy before, and that's why she was so panicked.

"I don't want to anymore." The freckled girl lowered her head and said.

"Did you hear that? She said she didn't want to leave." Xia Zishang turned to look at Steward Ouyang and said.

The smile on Ouyang Steward's lips remained unabated, but a storm of displeasure had already begun to brew in his eyes.

"She was the one who was clamoring to leave just now, and she is also the one who is unwilling to leave now. There are rules here, and everyone must be responsible for what they say, and there is a price to pay for talking nonsense." The housekeeper said Listening to the omission is very gentle, like the kind teachings of the elders, but combined with his weird smile, it just makes people feel gloomy.

"I, I..." The freckled girl didn't know what to do anymore, her small face was pale and bloodless.

She gave Xia Zishang a timid look, hoping that Xia Zishang could continue to help her.

(End of this chapter)

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