God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1189: Hide and Seek

Chapter 1189: Hide and Seek

Everyone else watched the confrontation between Xia Zishang and Steward Ouyang nervously, and no one dared to go up and say a word.

Just when Xia Zishang was about to say something, Steward Ouyang said slowly, "Of course, if you are a first-time offender, I can make an exception once, but this time is not an exception. Well, it's getting late, and now I want to Let's start talking about the rules of the game, listen carefully..."

While speaking, Steward Ouyang turned around and walked back to the front of the long table, which is the most central position in the dining room.

"The game we are going to play today is a game of hide and seek." Steward Ouyang said with a smile, "The rules of the game are very simple. The seven of you present will draw lots, and one person will be selected as a "ghost" and the remaining six will be "survivors." Survivors can hide in any place in this villa except the third floor. Remember, the third floor is where our lady rests. You can’t go to the third floor to disturb my lady. The game time is three Hours. Within these three hours, if all the survivors are found by ghosts, then the survivors will lose. If the survivors lose, they will be punished. It is exactly nine o'clock and twelve o'clock, the game It's over, everyone still came here to gather. Did you all understand?"

When everyone heard Steward Ouyang say this, they all breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this game is very simple.

Hide and seek, a game that five-year-olds can play.

Of course, except for Xia Zishang, she didn't think this game was easy.

She felt that the space level she was going through now was more difficult than the previous three levels.

"You all understand, then the game will begin." Ouyang Butler said, took out a small hourglass from his pocket, and put it on the table in front of him.

The maid took a big red wooden paper box and put it on the table.

"Come and draw lots according to the order of the seats." Ouyang Butler said with a smile.


The one who got the "ghost" was a boy named Tu Wenli.

A boy who looks thin, gentle, and has a very weak sense of presence.

When he got the "ghost" note, his whole body seemed to have been hit hard, and his mind was in a daze.

Now that the "ghost" has appeared, there is no need to continue the lottery, and the game can start directly.

According to the rules of the game, Tu Wenli had to wait in the dining room for 5 minutes to give the "survivors" time to hide.

The "survivors" raced out of the dining room to find a suitable place to hide.

Xia Zishang was about to go to the second floor, but just as she walked up the stairs, another hand grabbed the corner of her clothes.

"I, I'm so scared, can I be with you?" It was still the girl with freckles, she looked at Xia Zishang pitifully and asked.

Xia Zishang frowned, and said, "If we act together, it's too easy to be discovered. It's better to go our separate ways."

She has already helped this girl once, and the current situation does not allow her to help her a second time.

"But..." The freckled girl wanted to say something more, but Xia Zishang had already pulled the corner of her clothes out of her hand, and then quickly went upstairs.

Seeing Xia Zishang leave, the freckled girl's eyes showed unwilling resentment, and her complexion suddenly became gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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