God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1190 If You Dare To Lie To Me, I Will Make You Fly Out Of Your Soul

Chapter 1190 If You Dare To Lie To Me, I Will Make You Fly Out Of Your Soul
Xia Zishang originally wanted to go back to the room to find a place to hide, but as soon as she opened the door, she saw a woman in a white dress sitting on the bed.

That figure looked inexplicably familiar.

"It's you again?" Xia Zishang's aura instantly cooled down.

The woman in the white dress was exactly the female ghost in white that she met when she first came to this place!

I didn't expect that she would appear again now.

When the female ghost in white heard Xia Zishang's voice, she turned her head slowly. The part below her neck didn't move, and the dislocation of the bones made a creaking sound. Her head was turned 180 degrees to the back, and her face was facing Xia. Purple clothes.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would definitely be terrified.

Xia Zishang just looked at the female ghost in white lightly, her gaze never fluctuating.

The female ghost in white looked at the calm and self-sufficient face in front of her, and shrugged her shoulders in frustration, "You can't respect me! I'm a ghost!"

Still such a terrifying ghost, can this person cooperate with her new release?

Xia Zishang didn't have time to spend time with this female ghost, and didn't intend to continue watching her go crazy, so she turned and walked to the bathroom.

There was an exhaust duct above the bathroom, which she thought would be a good place to hide.

Seeing that Xia Zishang was too lazy to talk to her, the female ghost in white immediately stepped in front of Xia Zishang.

"Are you playing hide-and-seek? I know that there is a place that is very safe. I can definitely prevent that person from finding it. I will take you there with me?" the female ghost in white asked Xia Zishang.

Xia Zishang looked the female ghost in white up and down, and felt that the credibility of this female ghost was zero.

"Get out of the way, just don't hinder me." She said while pushing the female ghost in white.

The female ghost in white persevered again and stood in front of Xia Zishang again. Seeing that Xia Zishang's expression became cold, she said quickly, "I'm really here to help you. If it wasn't for your man to threaten me , do you think I want to take this muddy water? It’s really too late now, you follow me first, and I’ll tell you slowly when I’m in a safe place? "

Xia Zishang narrowed her eyes and looked at the female ghost in white. Under her sharp gaze, the female ghost in white was still open and frank, without showing any guilt.

"If you dare to lie to me, I will blow your soul away." Xia Zishang said lightly.

The corners of the female ghost's lips twitched, why did her tone sound exactly like that scary man's?These two really deserve to be a couple.


Tu Wen came to the living room unsteadily, humming a little tune.

The white shirt was already stained red with blood, but he didn't care, and there was still a smile on his lips.

His gaze quickly scanned the quiet living room, and then Tu Wenli's gaze was fixed on a pair of armor of standing Western soldiers placed in the living room.

Humming a cheerful tune, Tu Wenli walked slowly to the armor, and then took off the dagger pinned to his waistband.

Turning around the armor, Tu Wenli didn't seem to notice anything unusual, so he lifted his foot and left again.

The people hiding in the armor didn't dare to vent their breath, watching Tu Wenli walk away, trying hard to control his beating heart.

However, Tu Wenli only walked a few steps away, turned around again, stepped in front of the armor in two steps, and then the dagger in his hand pierced fiercely into the armor!

The dagger that cut iron like mud directly pierced the hard armor and sank into the soft flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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