Chapter 1198

In this eerie position, playing Die Xian, if some monsters and ghosts are really attracted, wouldn't they be scared to death?

Xia Zishang thought this game was pretty good, but she was worrying about how to find the remaining two ghosts. It would be great if the Die Xian game could attract a ghost.

"If any of you don't want to play this game, you can also quit." Steward Ouyang said in a strong tone, "The rules of this game are set by my lady and will never change. Those who want to quit can go home today. "

Now, the word "going home" is like a spell for those few students.

No matter how much dissatisfaction there is, no one dares to continue talking at this time.

"Take a rest for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, servants will come to invite you to the game field." Steward Ouyang left the dining room after saying a word.

Then, the long table fell into silence.

Without Tu Wenli, and now with Xia Zishang, there were only six people sitting in front of the long table, and the distance between the few people was far away, making the atmosphere at the long table extremely lonely.

"Let's do it and introduce me. After all, we're going to play games together later." In the end, a boy with exaggerated yellow hair spoke first. "My name is Meng Yi."

"Li Meng." said the boy who woke Xia Zishang up earlier.

"Wu Yan." The freckled girl said.

"Sun Fu." The little fat man said.

"Yao Meimei." Said a girl who also had a low sense of presence sitting with Wu Yan.

"Xia Ye." Xia Zishang finally said, his eyes quickly swept over the five people in front of him.

Before, the white-clothed female ghost said that there was a person possessed by a ghost hidden among the students, but because of the restrictions of the game rules at this level, she couldn't use her spiritual eyes, so now she can't see with her naked eyes. Find out which of them is the one possessed by the ghost.

If some props were used to assist, it would be possible to tell which ghost was which, but that would be too easy to scare the snake. The female ghost in white also said that the remaining two ghosts were smarter than the ghost in red.Xia Zishang was worried that if she frightened the snake and caused the ghost to run away, she would lose more than she gained.

Therefore, she would not act hastily before she was sure that she would kill with one blow.

After introducing myself, the long table fell silent again.

Except for Xia Zishang who was secretly looking forward to it, everyone else was in the same mood as going to the grave at this time.

"Have you ever played Die Xian game?" Meng Yi couldn't stand the solemn atmosphere, and spoke first after a while, breaking the silence.

The others, including Xia Zishang, shook their heads.

Although none of them have really seen what a ghost looks like, they also understand what can and cannot be done.

For some unknown mysterious things, it is better to maintain a heart of awe.

Although Xia Zishang is an onmyoji, she really has never played spirit-inviting games such as Die Xian and Pen Xian.

"Actually, it's just a game of Die Immortals. It just happens to let us see whether there are really Die Immortals in this world." Fatty Sun Fu deliberately pretended to be relaxed, and said with a smile.

"But I don't want to watch it." Li Meng said coldly.

The two little girls, Yao Meimei and Wu Yan, were already about to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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