Chapter 1199
"I think there is no Die Xian in this world at all. It must be that the butler wanted to scare us and deliberately let us play this horror game." Meng Yi said, a look of complete disdain flashed in his eyes. "So what if there is a Die Xian? We haven't done anything harmful to nature, so we're afraid of a woolen thread."

"I think what Meng Yi said is right." Sun Fu murmured, "We didn't do anything harmful to nature, the Buddha will definitely bless us, we don't have to be afraid..."

The 15 minutes passed quickly, and when the 15 minutes just passed, the two maids walked into the dining room together and said to the six people at the long table, "Guests, the time is up, please join us Let's go to the playground."

The game field is in a small room on the basement floor.

Just the furnishings in this room are like being filmed in a horror movie.

This should be a utility room. It is filled with old, broken furniture with missing arms and legs. They are piled up in an orderly manner. There is a wooden table in the center of the room, and the dishes are already placed on the wooden table. Sin needs something.

A low-wattage incandescent lamp hung above the wooden table, and the somewhat dim light barely illuminated the room.

In this cramped small room, there was still a heavy dusty smell, mixed with a faint smell of some kind of biological decay.

After Xia Zishang and the other six people entered the room, Steward Ouyang, who was standing at the window, closed the wooden window tightly, completely blocking the sunlight outside, then he walked to the wooden table, waved his hand at them, and signaled them Come too.

Xia Zishang took the lead and walked to the wooden table, and the other five followed slowly.

"Do you know? Die Xian can answer any questions you want to know." The dim light shone on Steward Ouyang's face, making the smile on his face somewhat dark and sinister, "You should be glad that you have This is an opportunity to ask the Disc Immortals for advice."

"Butler Ouyang means that we will definitely be able to invite Die Xian?" Xia Zishang asked, looking at Steward Ouyang calmly with his black eyes.

When Steward Ouyang heard this, the smile on the corner of his lips deepened, it was indescribably weird.

"As long as you sincerely ask for it, of course you will get it. Also, I want to tell you the rules of the game. If you can successfully invite Die Xian, you can ask Die Xian whatever you want to know. But if you can't If you successfully invite Die Xian, then you will stay in this room until you invite Die Xian. Finally, I wish you good luck." After Ouyang Butler finished speaking, he strode out of the room.

Xia Zishang and other six people gathered around the wooden table. On the wooden table was a white paper the size of a calendar. On the white paper was a circle similar to the shape of a gossip compass. Yes and No were written around the circle. A number from 0-9.

In the center of this circle, a white round plate was placed upside down.

"Let's start." Xia Zishang said, stretching out her finger first, and pressing it on the white round plate.

Meng Yi originally dismissed this kind of mysterious game, and he didn't feel afraid, so he quickly pressed his finger on the white round plate.

Sun Fu, Yao Meimei and Wu Yan were terrified at this moment, but they had no choice but to press their fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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