God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1200 Die Xian Die Xian, please come out

Chapter 1200 Die Xian Die Xian, please come out
After the six people's fingers pressed the white round plate firmly, Xia Zishang gently recited the incantation to invite the dish fairy.

"Di Xian Di Xian, please come out... Die Xian Di Xian, please come out..."

Listening to Xia Zishang's melodious voice, Sun Fu, Yao Meimei and Wu Yan trembled nervously, staring straight at the white round plate in front of them.

Meng Yi still had that casual attitude, his eyes still meowing over Xia Zishang's chest from time to time.


This girl's figure is quite upright.

When Xia Zishang chanted the mantra dozens of times, but did not see the vision, Meng Yi couldn't help but said with disdain, "I knew that there is no Die Xian in this world. Do you believe that now?" Right? If there is one, why can’t you invite them now?”

"Meng Yi, don't talk so much in the end." Li Meng looked at Meng Yi with cold eyes, "Don't end up hurting us all because of your wrong words."

"You kid, are you teaching me a lesson?" Meng Yi saw that Li Meng dared to shake his face at him, and his face immediately sank. He was about to take his hand off the plate and teach Li Meng a good lesson, but he I found that his fingers couldn't move!

At the same time, a gust of dark wind rose out of thin air from behind the six people, blowing the incandescent lamps hanging above their heads to sway continuously, and the dim light shone on the faces of the six people flickeringly.

"Die Xian is here." Xia Zishang clearly felt that the atmosphere in the room was much colder.

This kind of cold air that can penetrate into the bone marrow comes from the ghost.

Unaware of the excitement in Xia Zishang's tone, Wu Yan trembled even more, "Then, that, where is it now?"

"We can't see it now." Xia Zishang said slowly, the hand next to the table had already quietly pulled out an appearance talisman from the space storage.

Generally speaking, if some ghosts want to let Yang people see themselves, there is a way.But if they don't want the Yang people to see themselves, they will hide themselves. At this time, either use spiritual eyes to see them, or use some means to force them to show up.

Not all ghosts have the tendency to be scary, ghosts with a little style are very low-key.

The appearance talisman in Xia Zishang's hand can make the ghost appear.

When Meng Yi first found out that he couldn't move his hands, he was indeed a little scared.

But then, the fear turned into an excitement.

"Die Xian, Die Xian, are you a woman?" Meng Yi couldn't wait to ask a question.

As soon as his voice fell, the white round plate began to move slowly.

"The plate is moving! The plate is moving! My hands didn't move, what about you..." Yao Meimei's voice was choked up, and she asked the others in horror.

"My hand didn't move." Sun Fu was also fighting between the two.

"Me, I don't have either." Cold sweat kept breaking out on Wu Yan's forehead.

Xia Zishang stared at the white round plate fixedly, and saw that the white round plate stopped at the place marked "Yes".

"Then, are you beautiful?" Meng Yi was addicted to playing, and continued to ask.

The white round plate did not move for a while, and the surrounding wind was blowing more violently than before.

"I heard before that when you invite Die Xian, you can't ask Die Xian some questions that will offend it." Li Meng's face turned pale with fright, and he stared at Meng Yi who was standing opposite him displeasedly, "Can you Ask some other questions, don't always try to ask some unnutritive questions?"

(End of this chapter)

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