God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1201 Life is really full of brain damage

Chapter 1201 Life is really full of brain damage
"Are you targeting me, kid?" Meng Yi waited for Li Meng not to be outdone and said, "You can ask Die Xian questions if you have the ability! I don't think you dare to ask at all? You coward! Let me tell you, I'm not as cowardly and useless as you! If this Die Xian is a beautiful woman, I dare to do it, can you?"

After Meng Yi's voice fell, not only Li Meng, but also Sun Fu, Yao Meimei, and Wu Yan all exploded.

"What the hell are you talking about? Hurry up and apologize to Die Xian!" Sun Fu said with a very serious expression on his chubby face for the first time, staring at Meng Yi.

"I seem to feel that Die Xian is angry." Yao Meimei felt that the surrounding atmosphere was much colder than before, and her hairs were already standing on end. She also looked at Meng Yi angrily and said, "Hurry up and send a message to Die!" Im sorry!"

"That's right! Meng Yi, are you crazy? How could you say that kind of thing." Wu Yan simply couldn't understand Meng Yi's brain circuit.

In fact, even Xia Zishang didn't understand how weird Meng Yi's brain circuit was.

Life is full of brain damage.

But that's okay, if Die Xian is angered, maybe it will show up by itself.

"I'm not wrong, why should I apologize?" Meng Yi looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

After he finished speaking, he found that Li Meng was staring at him blankly with wide-eyed eyes, and the expression on his face was extremely frightened, as if he had seen a ghost.

Not only Li Meng, but also Sun Fu, Yao Meimei and Wu Yan all found out what was behind Meng Yi, and they were all so frightened that they couldn't speak, and they didn't know what to do to react better.

Xia Zishang naturally saw what was behind Meng Yi.

Die Xian lived up to her expectations and appeared out of anger by Meng Yi.

I saw a woman in a red dress floating above Meng Yi's back. Her messy long hair hung down her cheeks, covering half of her face, while the other half of her face was severely rotten. , the thick white bones were exposed on the cheeks, and there were tiny bugs crawling around in the carrion.

At this moment, it was rolling down its white-covered eye, looking down at Meng Yi from above.

In this way, it looks terrifying and ferocious.

This is another red-clothed ghost, but Xia Zishang can also see that the level of this one in front of her should be stronger than the one she met last time.

A smile flashed across Xia Zishang's eyes calmly, she was not in a hurry to act now, because she wanted to see what kind of reaction Meng Yi would have when he saw the female ghost in red next.

Meng Yi found that the four people in front of him were all staring at his back, and for a moment, a little fear grew uncontrollably in his heart. For some reason, he felt his back was a little cold.

"You guys, what are you looking at? I'm warning you, don't try to scare me." Meng Yi didn't want to show that he was scared now, and tried his best to maintain a calm tone.

After his words fell, a drop of viscous liquid dripped from above him and just landed on his forehead.

"What?" Meng Yi couldn't help shivering, and subconsciously stretched out his other free hand to touch his forehead.

The sticky feeling was very bad. Meng Yi put his hand in front of his eyes and saw the blood red color.

He swallowed unconsciously, and raised his head tremblingly.

The line of sight happened to meet the female ghost in red.

In an instant, Meng Yi froze in place, only feeling that the blood in his whole body was frozen at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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