God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1202 So what if I smoke you?

Chapter 1202 So what if I smoke you?
The female ghost in red looked down at Meng Yi, stretched out her pale arms, and parted the long hair in front of her face, presenting a highly rotten face in front of Meng Yi's eyes.

"Little handsome boy, do you think I am beautiful?"

A smell of urine quickly spread in the air, Meng Yi's entire trousers were soaked, he looked up at the red-clothed female ghost, his body could not move for a while, he could only open his mouth With a big mouth, he let out a heart-piercing howl.

Just at this time, the eyeball in the left eye of the female ghost in red, which was about to fall out of its socket, happened to fall down.

Under the gaze of Xia Zishang and the other four, the eyeball happened to fall into Meng Yi's mouth.

Meng Yi swallowed his eyeballs subconsciously.

The four of Xia Zishang who watched this scene almost vomited.

And Meng Yi also came back to his senses immediately, and after realizing what he had swallowed, he began to vomit crazily.

"You damn thing! How dare you swallow my eyeballs!" The female ghost in red was about to be blown up by Meng Yi, and howled loudly at him. Her long black hair was like a spirit snake, entangled On Meng Yi's neck.

At this moment, Sun Fu found that the hand holding the white round plate could move, and hurried to the door of the room.

Wu Yan and Yao Meimei also ran over together.

"Help! There is a ghost! Help!" The three of them lay on the door panel and shouted in panic.

The heavy wooden door was locked from the outside.

The maid's formulaic and indifferent voice came from outside the door.

"The game time is not over yet, please enjoy the game process."

"Fuck you, what kind of game is this! This is a deadly game! Let me out!" Sun Fu kicked hard at the door in front of him, while Yao Meimei and Wu Yan started crying with their heads in their hands.

The scene was a little chaotic for a while.

Meng Yi was about to be strangled to death by the hair of the female ghost in red. He looked at Xia Zishang who was standing opposite him with a calm face, his eyes almost burst open.

Why doesn't this woman look scared at all?

"You, you, please, help me..."

Naturally, Xia Zishang would not let the female ghost in red wantonly kill people in front of her. Although Meng Yi's actions were a bit excessive, the crime was not fatal. .

Seeing that Meng Yi was strangled so hard that he rolled his eyes, Xia Zishang quickly pulled out the whip in his hand, and lashed towards the red-clothed female ghost.

The red-clothed female ghost was caught off guard by the spirit whip, and released Meng Yi's shackles with a loud voice.

White smoke billowed from the place where the spirit whip had been whipped. The red-clothed ghost first glanced at his injured place in disbelief, and then at Xia Zishang.

It seemed unbelievable that the seemingly thin whip in Xia Zishang's hand could hurt it so much!
"How dare you beat me with a whip! I hate others who beat me with a whip!" the red-clothed female ghost roared hoarsely, and the resentment in her body exploded at this moment.

Seeing the female ghost in red go crazy in front of him, Meng Yi finally fainted from the stimulation, while Sun Fu, Yao Meimei and Wu Yan were shocked to see Xia Zishang dare to confront the female ghost in red. Shi Hua stayed where he was, each of them dumbfounded.

"So what if you slap you?" Xia Zishang continued to provoke the red ghost in order to prevent the female ghost from running away, "If you dare to come to my side, I will continue to slap you."

 Eighty chapters have been updated, but the number of words is almost [-], and another [-] will be updated during the day, making a total of [-], which means there will be no less than [-] chapters.If the beauties really like Three Treasures, please give a full support!Concubine is really tired these days.Remember to participate in the welfare activities, babies!See you in the daytime!Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation ticket!A one-time thank you after the reward is updated.Well, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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