God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1211 The young people nowadays are just too cowardly

Chapter 1211 The young people nowadays are just too cowardly

Gathering her inner strength again, Xia Zishang broke one of the monster's arms with a whip.

However, that arm was smashed to the ground, a trace of resentment emerged from it, and then it actually manipulated the broken wax block to make it stick together again, and returned to the monster's body to form its new arm!

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooish, it seems we're doomed!" he cried as he cried.

Different from everyone's panic, Xia Zishang thought of the trace of resentment just now, and thought of a plan.

Dodging the monster's fist, Xia Zishang saw that heavy punch hit her side, leaving a small deep hole beside her.

With a flying kick, Xia Zishang condensed her spiritual power this time, smashing the fist that the monster hadn't come to remember to take back!

The fist made a crisp sound again, and immediately became torn apart and shattered all over the ground!
The black resentment visible to the naked eye was purified by Xia Zishang's spiritual power.

The wax block that lost its resentment could no longer be reassembled, as if it had melted, turning into a transparent waxy oil.

Seeing this scene, Xia Zishang's heart brightened, and she raised her hand quickly.

"The Promise of Heaven and Earth appeared in front of my eyes, breaking the yin and evil spirit, and pointing out the way ahead for me!" Xia Zishang quickly gathered her spiritual power with her fingertips, and drew a tracking spell.

This talisman can help her determine the most resentful position on the monster, guide her to make a move, and let her kill with one blow!

The spell turned into a beam of light and shadow and shot out, piercing into the blood-red eye of the monster!

"Yeah!" The monster's fragile eyes suddenly felt a sharp pain, and the aura made it unable to move, so it could only widen its eyes, watching Xia Zishang condense a ball of spiritual power and throw it towards it. over here.

The spiritual power ball was as brilliant as a shooting star, outlining an afterimage in the air, which magnified in the monster's eyes until it pierced through it!
puff puff!

The monster's body seemed to be melted by high heat, and gradually became limp, until it finally turned into a puddle of wax oil, flowing all over the ground.

The wax oil exuded a strange smell of burnt and blood, and the smell spread in the small restaurant, making people sick to their stomachs.

Meng Yi, Li Meng, Yao Meimei, and Sun Fu just smelled this, and they were so stimulated that they felt nauseous, and then bent down and vomited profusely.

I saw that all the food they ate just now was spit out by them again, and the four of them didn't realize what they had eaten these days until they spit out the food and watched all the food turn into white wax. , I couldn't help vomiting again.

"Tsk tsk, young people nowadays are just too cowardly." The female ghost in white clicked her tongue in disgust, and then saw that there was no one around her.

Turning her head and looking behind her, the female ghost in white saw that Wu Yan was already more than ten meters away from her, standing on the stairs leading to the basement on the first floor.

"Where are you going?" Xia Zishang also noticed Wu Yan's departure. At this moment, she looked at Wu Yan from afar and asked.

After Wu Yan heard Xia Zishang's question, the expression on her face suddenly changed.

As if she had great resentment towards Xia Zishang, Wu Yan's complexion was ashen, and the center of her brows was filled with a blood-red evil spirit. She glared at Xia Zishang with scarlet eyes, and then she floated into the Go down the stairs and go straight to the basement floor.

(End of this chapter)

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