God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1212 A little girl around the age of [-]

Chapter 1212 A Little Girl About Ten Years Old
"Sure enough, she is the grieving ghost." Xia Zishang knew that her guess was right, so she hurriedly chased after her.

"You help me take care of the remaining four people, and I'll come as soon as I go." Xia Zishang said to the female ghost in white.

Seeing Xia Zishang's aura full of aura, the female ghost in white nodded and reminded kindly, "You have to remember, you can't hurt the real Wuyan."

"The third evil ghost is very powerful, but Wu Yan is only possessed. If you hurt Wu Yan in order to get rid of the ghost, it will be a great sin for you."

"Thank you for the reminder, I see." Xia Zishang nodded hastily, and went straight to Wu Yan to chase after her.

After chasing all the way to the basement floor, Xia Zishang found Wu Yan on the corridor.

She fell in front of the innermost basement door, her face was black and blue, and her face was covered with cold sweat. At a glance, people could feel the pain she was going through at this moment.

Stepping forward quickly, Xia Zishang checked Wu Yan's situation.

Fortunately, Wu Yan is not in danger of her life, but has been haunted by evil spirits for too long, and has been invaded by resentment, she just needs to rest for a while and she will be fine.

After giving Wu Yan the elixir that can purify grievances, Xia Zishang asked her to lean against the wall to rest.

After Wu Yan settled down, Xia Zishang raised her eyes and looked at the basement in front of her.

Different from other basements, the door of this basement is dark red, and there is a thick and strong smell of blood on it. The extremely heavy yin and resentment permeate and spread from the crack of the door, making the temperature in the entire corridor very low. A few degrees.

Raising her jade hand, Xia Zishang pushed open the door.

The howling Yin Qi turned into a howling wind, Xia Zishang built a spiritual barrier around her body to block it, and walked into the basement.

After stepping into the basement, the dark red door slammed shut behind him.

The light white incandescent light bulbs were hanging from the ceiling, and were slightly shaken by the Yin Qi coming from nowhere. When the lights flickered, what Xia Zishang saw were wax figures.

These wax figures are all carved vividly, there are men, women, old and young, as if they are real living people standing here.

Their expressions were distorted and terrified without exception, and their complexion was pale and lifeless, but Xia Zishang took a closer look and found that the reason why these wax figures looked so vivid was because their eyeballs were all living people's eyeballs!
These statues are empty and lifeless, but the gaze refracted by each pair of their eyes are all directed at Xia Zishang, as if they will follow her closely with her steps.

In such a gloomy and terrifying environment, Xia Zishang's face did not show the slightest panic.

She looked at the wax figure, and now she finally understood why the red-clothed female ghost who was the first to die in her hands liked to gouge people's eyeballs so much.

That female ghost didn't really like eyeballs, but to please the owner of these wax figures, that is, the owner of this villa, the 'Missy' that Ouyang Steward and others called her.

Passing through various wax figures, the deeper Xia Zishang walked, the heavier the yin energy around her.

Then, the laughter of children emerged in the air, and a wax figure was caught off guard and flew into the air, smashing towards Xia Zishang.

A whip sent the wax figure flying. Xia Zishang stood still and looked at the little girl standing in front of the workbench.

It was a little girl about ten years old, wearing black leather shoes and a red princess dress, she was very beautiful, with black crystal-like eyes matched with that black and translucent curly hair, delicate facial features, and a few pimples on her fair cheeks. A small freckle, if it weren't for its dark purple lips and evil eyes, it would really look like a delicate rag doll.

(End of this chapter)

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