God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1213 dictatorship of bear children for 2 years

Chapter 1213 dictatorship of bear children for 20 years
It's hard to imagine that the biggest grudge in the fourth level is actually a little girl.

However, the girl was full of resentment, too much bloody evil spirit was stained on her body, it can be seen that she had killed many people, and her methods were extremely vicious, she was a little pervert.

The air was filled with the smell of white wax, the little girl glared at Xia Zishang resentfully, and asked, "Why are you meddling in your own business, do you know what will happen if you meddle in your own business!"

Xia Zishang smiled disapprovingly, "I don't know. I only know that I have been treating the bear for 20 years, and I will definitely cure you, so that you will not dare to do perverted things again."

"Why do you care what I do!" The little girl's angry eyes almost burst into flames, "No one can control me, and you are the same! You damn thing, you ruined my good deeds, and you still want to control me!" Me! I will not let you go, I want you to die!"

Seeing that the little girl reacted so strongly, as if she was stimulated by her own words, more powerful resentment erupted all over her body. Xia Zishang guessed that something must have happened to the little girl before she was alive, and what she just said hit the nail on the head. its sore.

The dark resentment quickly twisted in the air, and then turned into dozens of palms, and slapped towards Xia Zishang's direction!

The ghost hand twisted ferociously, and attacked Xia Zishang's limbs, as if it couldn't wait to twist her into a twist.

Xia Zishang just avoided a ghost hand, and saw another ghost hand appearing behind her.

The ghost hand turned into an afterimage and came from all directions. While attacking Xia Zishang, it smashed all the surrounding wax figures into pieces!
The disgusting smell of white wax entered Xia Zishang's nostrils, and she quickly dodged, trying to figure out the trajectory of the ghost's attack!

Seeing Xia Zishang being chased in a hurry, the little girl didn't even resist, and laughed happily, "Now you know you're afraid!"

Hearing this, Xia Zishang's phoenix eyes shone brightly, and she raised her hand and swiped the spirit whip, smashing the two ghost hands into pieces!

The little girl's face darkened. At first, it thought that Xia Zishang was being pressed by her every step of the way and could not resist, but unexpectedly, Xia Zishang was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, deliberately probing, and now it has figured out the direction of its attack!

Xia Zishang threw out a few more whips, and easily smashed most of the little girl's ghostly hands!

"Your ability is nothing at all." Xia Zishang waved the whip coldly and shattered two ghost hands, "Little sister, if you don't want to be beaten by me and cry to find your mother, stop quickly."

Unexpectedly, when the little girl heard the word 'mother', her small figure suddenly trembled.

"Don't mention your mother to me, I don't have a mother!" A cold resentment burst out of the girl's body, and the breath in her body multiplied several times. Those dark eyes were replaced by bloodthirsty scarlet, and the veins on her face surged. Suddenly, the seaweed-like long hair behind him twisted into strands, turned into poisonous snakes, opened their bloody mouths together, and bit Xia Zishang.

Xia Zishang's eyes sank, and he danced wildly with the whip in his hand, frantically resisting the little girl's attack.

Struggling to resist, Xia Zishang watched the poisonous snake pass by her side, and knew very well that if this entanglement continued, the situation would gradually become unfavorable to her.

She only has [-]% strength, and the little girl in front of her is so resentful that her eyes appear demonic. If she delays, she might become a demon. She can't fight the devilish ghost under the current situation.

Since you can't die, then outsmart it.

(End of this chapter)

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