God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1214 Listen to Mom's Persuasion, Don't Make One Mistake Again

Chapter 1214 Listen to my mother's advice, don't make mistakes again and again
The drooping eyes covered up the flashing light in his eyes, Xia Zishang slipped on purpose, and then flew out from the top of two long snakes that surged in!

The little girl sneered proudly at first, but when she saw the direction Xia Zishang was flying out of, her expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

Xia Zishang flew and slammed into the corner wall of the basement. She was prepared to suffer severe injuries, but unexpectedly, the wall was only a thin layer of wood.

Over time, the wooden plank has long been rotten. Xia Zishang easily smashed through the wooden plank and entered the hidden cubicle in the basement.

Amidst the dust, Xia Zishang couldn't help coughing twice, and when she raised her head, she happened to see a lifelike wax figure of a woman in front of her.

Moreover, this wax figure is not an ordinary wax figure. Under the pale white wax, the corpse of a pale woman with eyes closed and sleeping can be faintly seen. This woman was actually sealed in the white wax after death and made into a wax figure!

Only after seeing the woman's Qingcheng's face clearly, Xia Zishang noticed a charm stuck on the wax figure.

On the dark purple talisman paper is drawn an extremely sinister evil spell, which is actually an evil talisman used to suppress the lock soul!
After taking a quick glance, Xia Zishang felt a sinister murderous aura coming from behind her.

Turning to look outside the cubicle, the little girl was yelling at her hysterically, "Get out, get out immediately!"

It was only then that she realized that the woman trapped by the wax figure looked very similar to the little girl. Xia Zishang was so blessed that a bold guess came to her mind.

Not in a hurry to leave, Xia Zishang's arm was cut by a wooden board just now, and at this moment, blood seeping from the palm of her hand, she hid her hand behind her back and began to draw a spell.

"Why should I leave? Come in if you have the ability." Xia Zishang, covered in dust and injured in her arm, challenged the little girl seemingly weakly.

The muscles on the little girl's angry face twisted, and then the hair of the snake behind her turned around, and the snake's head pointed at Xia Zishang, obviously wanting to give Xia Zishang a final blow!
"No!!" At this moment, the desperate cry of the woman suddenly came from the wax figure.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of spiritual light suddenly flew out from the statue, actually blocking the little girl's movements.

The aura exuded a soft breath, which made the little girl's face soft for a moment, as if she was greedy for this hard-won light.

However, the little girl's expression became even more distorted in the next moment, struggling to get rid of the shackles of the aura, "Let me go, let me go!"

"Yaoyao, listen to my mother's persuasion, don't make the same mistake again and again." The woman's grief-stricken cry came miserably, revealing a trace of begging.

"Shut up, shut up! What right do you have to control me! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be what I am now, I hate you! You don't deserve to be my mother! Why did you die, why did you leave I'm leaving, if you hadn't died, Dad wouldn't have treated me like that!" The little girl had two lines of blood and tears in her eyes, crying and wailing, "Let me go, let me go!"

The crying of the woman in the wax figure sounds so helpless, "It's my mother who is sorry for you, you can hate me, Yaoyao, mother is sorry for you, but mother please, don't do wrong things again..."

"I don't want it, I don't want it!!" The little girl let out a heart-piercing roar, yelling frantically, "I want to kill Xia Ye, I want to kill everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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