God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1236 I Thought You Forgot Me

Chapter 1236 I Thought You Forgot Me

"Xia Xia, you haven't looked for me for so long, I thought you forgot about me." Old Turtle's tone was full of resentment for being left out.

Xia Zishang smiled apologetically, "I've been really busy recently, and besides, I haven't had any spiritual power in the first few stages of the Nine-fold Exquisite Pagoda, so I couldn't summon you. Otherwise, I would have looked for you long ago."

No matter in terms of Fengshui or formation, the depth of Laobie's attainments can be said to be unrivaled. In this regard, Xia Zishang is ashamed of herself. If Laobie helped in the Bodhi Temple at that time, she would definitely be able to do better. The earliest discovery of the Taiyin lock magic array.

But today, as long as she cooperates with Laobie, she will definitely be able to get twice the result with half the effort!
After listening to the old turtle, it was very helpful, "Okay, what problem did you encounter this time?"

"It's the Fengshui bureau. And it's the hidden dragon bureau where the purple qi breaks the gold." Xia Zishang said with a smile.

Xia Zishang's words made the old turtle gasp, "My Xia Xia, why do you make such big trouble every time?"

The Hidden Dragon Bureau is considered a super-large situation in the Fengshui Bureau. Only when the right time and place are prepared can the situation be broken. Otherwise, if one misses, the Fengshui of the entire dragon vein will be destroyed. At that time, all the tombs on this dragon vein will become An evil tomb is extremely easy to brew disasters. This is a sinful evil, not to mention damaging merits and virtues, and it will also affect future generations.

"This time it's not me who caused trouble, but trouble to provoke me." Xia Zishang told Laobie carefully what happened and what she discovered just now.

The old turtle took a look at the surrounding environment, "Well, your preliminary judgment is correct. However, this national teacher of all dynasties is also a ruthless person. He obviously spent so much effort to hide his own tomb, but he wants to Tell people to work harder to find their tombs..."

"Otherwise, how can we know whether there is a suitable candidate for the national teacher among us." Xia Zishang smiled, "Old turtle, come and help me break the situation, let's make a quick decision."

"It's natural, let me fly out to have a look, and roughly determine the direction of the dragon's head. Before we break the formation tonight, we must first destroy the structure of the Feng Shui Bureau, otherwise, once the Feng Shui Bureau backfires, you will be in danger It's gone." The old turtle's face was condensed, and after he finished speaking, he flew into the air and quickly checked the surrounding terrain.

Qing Mo has long been used to seeing ghosts, and he is not afraid when he sees the old turtle, on the contrary, he is very interested.

Sure enough, following Mother is to encounter many interesting and novel things, such as this thing called Feng Shui Bureau, which Qing Mo has never heard of before.

After the old turtle soared into the air, he carefully observed the surrounding environment.

The old turtle's shrewd old eyes flickered with cold light, and saw a large desert in his eyes.

As Xia Zishang said, there is a spiritual land in front of me, where the dragon veins are located, where I can enjoy the yang energy of the world, but the dragon head is missing.

This is an excellent location for the tomb. If there is no accident, this desert has already constituted the feng shui situation for the golden dragon pilgrimage used by the emperor.

The old turtle carefully observed the dragon's veins, but soon found something wrong.

"Huh?" Old Turtle narrowed his eyes suspiciously, wondering if he had read it wrong.

Its location is just above the cave, and it can see all the other mausoleums.

These tombs seem to be on the dragon veins, but if you look carefully, you can find that these eight tombs are in the pilgrimage of sitting on the sun. Northeast, southwest and southeast a total of eight anise!
(End of this chapter)

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