Chapter 1237
The tombs occupying an octagon seem to be scattered, but they actually gather the yin and yang of the world and the five elements. In addition, the deep desert here is full of fire, which connects the eight tombs into one, making them each present the momentum of a dragon. , Gather together in the cave!

And the terrain of this cave is higher than the eight mausoleums, and the cave has formed a ninth flood dragon!

"Xia Xia, I don't think we need to break the hidden dragon game." The old turtle showed an ecstatic smile in the air, and hurriedly flew in front of Xia Zishang and said excitedly, "The hidden dragon game is just a cover, in fact, what is really hidden here is It's Tiangang Nine Dragons Bureau!"

Tiangang Kowloon Bureau!

Xia Zishang's pupils shrank slightly when he heard the words.

The terrain presents a dragon vein, which is the Golden Dragon Pilgrimage Bureau used by the Emperor's House, while the Tiangang Nine Dragon Bureau gathers nine small dragon veins, which is a rare good feng shui in a thousand years!
Those who are buried here are not as simple as becoming generals and princes, but may become immortals under the blessing of Nine Dragons!
This is also the first time for Laobie to see such a rare Feng Shui bureau, and he was excited, "The existence of the hidden dragon bureau is to make us mistakenly think that there is only one dragon vein here! And the location of this cave just happens to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The Zijin Qi is trapped in it, but it can better nourish the tomb owner."

"So, the tomb of the national teacher is actually hidden in this cave?" Xia Zishang asked ecstatically.

Seeing the old turtle nodded happily, Xia Zishang couldn't help but said happily, "Great, I didn't expect to find it so soon!"

Not only have I found it, but I don't need to bother to break the hidden dragon game!

"Old turtle, thank you for having you." Xia Zishang was so happy that she was very happy, and said in her heart that it was thanks to the presence of old turtle, otherwise she would definitely work hard to break the hidden dragon game, but in the end it would be a waste of time. At that time, she Will definitely doubt life.

The old turtle smiled brightly like a chrysanthemum fluttering in the wind, "However, this national teacher is quite a rogue. It seems that he used a trick to cover his eyes, but in fact everything is displayed openly in front of us. It is also because he is too open and upright, but instead It's unbelievable."

Here is the shrewdness of the national teachers of the past dynasties. They know how people's hearts are, and who would have thought that they actually slept at the gate of the national teacher's tomb last night!

"The national teachers of all dynasties are capable people, so they naturally have their own advantages." Xuanyuan Yelan looked at Xia Zishang with incomparable pride in his eyes.

The ancient kingdoms are indeed powerful, but his Chang'er is even stronger. Today, with the help of the old turtle, they shortened the time to discover the Tiangang Nine Dragons Bureau.

But even without the help of the old turtle, when Shang'er breaks the hidden dragon game alone, he will find out sooner or later, it's just that the time spent is different.

"Wow, from this point of view, we can now enter the tomb of the national teacher." Amo glanced at the other people who were still struggling to find the tomb while speaking.

At this moment, the sun had completely risen, and the dazzling sunlight poured down on the golden sand, and the scorching heat seemed to be able to roast people until they melted.

Everyone inspected the eight tombs back and forth, thinking that after looking at each tomb, they would decide which one was the tomb of the national teacher.

However, these people didn't know that even if they went to each of the eight tombs once, it would be a waste of work, because the real tomb of the national teacher was not in those eight tombs at all.

"Let's go quickly. Some of the other contestants are powerful people. We have finally won the first opportunity, so we must speed up."

(End of this chapter)

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