God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1238 Who?come out

Chapter 1238 Who?come out

While Xia Zishang was speaking, Gong Wuxie and Yu Sheng appeared in his mind.

These two people are very powerful and capable, especially Gong Wuxie. He has a mysterious identity and has so many treasures on him. Xia Zishang always feels that Gong Wuxie will soon find out the clues and catch up.

Having said that, Xia Zishang and the others entered the cave as quickly as possible.

"Miss, you see that Xia Ye has returned to the cave." At this time, Qinglu noticed from a distance that Xia Zishang and his party had returned to the cave.

Seeing this, the woman in the silver robe beside Qinglu had light in her clear eyes, followed Qinglu's pointing from a distance, and glanced at the backs of Xia Zishang and others entering the cave.

"Let's go take a look too." After the silver-robed woman finished speaking, she walked towards the cave.

In addition to these two people, Leng Yue also rushed towards the cave together with two men, one old and one young, who were dressed in black costumes.

inside the cave.

Xia Zishang and his party walked forward along the winding path.

Someone came to explore the cave last night, but there is an entrance that looks like a thin line of sky in the cave. Because the entrance is narrow, no one dares to walk around here, so no one stepped into the thin line of sky last night.

Now it seems that as long as they pass through a ray of sky, they will be able to reach the tomb of the national teacher.

The cave was not deep, and the group quickly reached the end.

The mountain wall in front of me opened a road that is only enough for one person to pass sideways, but this line of sky does not run through the entire cave, and the dazzling sky light outside the cave cannot penetrate in. At first glance, this line of sky looks like a mountain. From the huge mouth that was split on the wall, a faint cold air seeped out of it, spraying on everyone's faces like breathing.

"It's here." Feeling the breath blowing towards her face, Xia Zishang affirmed, "The wind blows out of this cave, which proves that there is a cave behind, and the wind is mixed with a little moisture, which shows that there is water in the cave. The Longyun Desert belongs to fire, and the dragon veins here are too strong, so it needs soft water to suppress it. Only after this kind of deployment can the five elements truly complement each other. Therefore, this must be the entrance to the tomb of the national teacher."

"Mother...cough, boss, you are so powerful." Before Qingmo entered the sixth level, Xia Zishang told him not to reveal that he was a human race in front of others, but to pretend to be her spirit. Beast, from now on I will always call her the boss.

Even Xuanyuan Yelan changed his tune, and began to call Xia Zishang A Xia, and Xia Zishang called Xuanyuan Yelan A Ye, so as not to be exposed.

He almost called Xia Zishang by the wrong name, but after Qing Mo changed his words in time, he looked at Xia Zishang with an unconcealable admiration on his face.

Niangqin is really amazing, she knows everything!

Seeing his son's joyful and excited expression, Xia Zishang couldn't help reaching out and gently touching Qingmo's little head.

clap clap -
A burst of heavy and powerful applause came, Xuanyuan Yelan turned indifferently, and looked towards the shadow not far from them, "Who is it? Come out."

The shadow clearly couldn't feel any breath, but a hunched figure quickly walked out of the shadow, and appeared in front of Xia Zishang and the others.

The gray robe, the old face, isn't it just the old Yang Tou.

"Since the old man is here, it can be seen that my guess is really right." Xia Zishang was full of confidence, but the moment she saw Lao Yang's head, she knew that her and Lao Bie's judgment was correct.

(End of this chapter)

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