God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1244 The Greed Seduced by the Singing

Chapter 1244 The Greed Seduced by the Singing
It was the greed that was lured by the singing, greedy to get close to these beautiful snakes, and go to bliss with them.

The spontaneous desire made Xia Zishang frown, and a strong disgust suddenly appeared in his heart.

That sense of disgust also invisibly manipulated Xia Zishang's emotions, making the murderous look in her eyes deeper, and she quickly recited the Qingxin Mantra silently.

"A Xia, calm down." At this moment, Xuanyuan Yelan stretched out his hand and lightly pressed Xia Zishang's shoulder.

The warmth from Xuanyuan Yelan's hands spread throughout Xia Zishang's body along her shoulders, causing Xia Zishang's body to tremble slightly, and then the strong murderous aura in his eyes disappeared completely like a cloud of smoke.

Only then did he suddenly realize that his emotions were controlled by singing. Xia Zishang thought that these beautiful snakes could only seduce people, but he didn't expect that their singing could actually affect people's mood.

"Beautiful snakes can use their songs to mobilize people's hearts. If they can't be seductive, they will make people angry, disgusted, and murderous. In short, their songs will lure people to their side, but anyone who is influenced by them and approaches them actively will be killed. They devour." In Xuanyuan Yelan's dark eyes, the golden hellfire danced slowly, and it was precisely because he was blessed by the hellfire that he would not be affected by the singing.

"Junior brother, let's go quickly. Beauty snakes can't take the initiative to attack. As long as we pass through them safely, we won't be affected by the singing anymore!" When Amo spoke, the pig's head was hit hard by the stones falling from it. After smashing it, he groaned in pain, and then said with teary eyes, "Come on, remember not to let these mermaids bleed, or their blood will turn into snakes, which will be very troublesome!"

"Dive directly there." After Xuanyuan Yelan finished speaking, she carried Qingmo on her back, took a deep breath and dived into the water.

"La la la la——!" Seeing that Xuanyuan Yelan was completely unaffected by the singing, the beauty snakes opened their throats, let out extremely unwilling screams, and attacked in the direction of Xuanyuan Yelan again !

In the water, the sound waves of the beautiful snakes turned into sickle-shaped blades, cutting along Xuanyuan Yelan. Thanks to Xuanyuan Yelan's quick enough dodge, seeing the blades passing by his side, heavy The bombardment hit the stone wall behind him.

After the blade bombarded, it actually left an extremely deep crack on it, and its edge was even smoother, which shows how terrifying power is contained in this sound wave!

After a sound wave, a piece of sound wave, like a scythe of death, quickly emerged from the water, sweeping towards their direction madly!

"Protect Qingmo!" Xia Zishang dived into the water while speaking, and took out the glazed silver hairpin that had been in his sleeve all the time, his mind moved.

The silver hairpin turned into a long sword in an instant, and the sword body was full of brilliance. Xia Zishang swung the long sword at the sound wave that was flying fast!
Bang bang bang!
The originally powerful sound wave immediately became useless under Xia Zishang's long sword, and was easily crushed by Xia Zishang's long sword exuding holy brilliance, unable to cause any harm to them!

Seeing this scene, the beautiful snakes screamed unwillingly. The snake tail in the water swept away, and went straight to Xia Zishang's body and smashed it heavily.

Xuanyuan Yelan made a timely move, and with a palm mixed with spiritual power, he slapped the beautiful snake's tail fiercely!
A dark energy did not leave any wounds on the beauty snake, but the aftermath hidden in it invaded the flesh and blood along the snake scales, shattering the beauty snake's bones!
At the same time, the two finally crossed the waters where the mermaid was.

Just as she was about to leave, Xia Zishang saw the first thing coming out of the water. The most beautiful and pure woman among the beauty snakes stretched out her delicate palm in front of her, trying to pull Xuanyuan Yelan's sleeve.

(End of this chapter)

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