God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1245 Young Master, I'm So Cold, You Hug Me

Chapter 1245 Young Master, I'm So Cold, You Hug Me

"My lord, I'm so cold, you hug me..." The beauty's melodious and sad voice was trembling and pitiful, coupled with her beautiful appearance, it's hard not to be tempted.

As a child, Qing Mo would not be tempted by the singing, his gaze was extraordinarily cold, and he glanced at the beauty snake.

Obviously, even Qing Mo knew that the beauty snake was trying to kill her.

Sure enough, Xuanyuan Yelan's eyes, which were as cold as thousands of years of ice, pierced the beauty snake like a sharp edge!

The beauty snake trembled in fright from this terrifying gaze, and stopped the movements of her hands in fear.

And at the moment when the beauty snake was stunned, a flaming talisman flew over and landed on the head of the beauty snake.

With a puff, the beauty snake's soft long hair was ignited by the spell!
A head of beautiful hair was immediately burnt to nothing, and the beauty snake looked at her shiny head reflected in the water, screamed angrily, and looked at Xia Zishang angrily.

Xia Zishang just smiled coldly, and pulled Xuanyuan Yelan, who was full of doting, to leave together.

"Hahaha, junior brother, you are so good or bad!" Amo couldn't help but burst into tears.

They can't leave trauma on the beauty snake, but burning hair is not considered a trauma, and becoming bald is a near-fatal blow to the beauty snakes who have always loved beauty!

After successfully passing the area where the beauty snake is located, Xia Zishang found that the water level here was higher, and she had to tiptoe in the water to ensure that she would not choke on the water.

Yinyue and Qinglu followed closely, and behind them were Lengyue and Chu Chao.

Unexpectedly, these people followed so closely, Xia Zishang was about to dive to leave, but suddenly saw the arm of the lonely old man who was walking at the end of them, actually being held by the beauty snake!

Not only Xia Zishang, but everyone's expressions also changed at the same time.

If they were not shaken and willing to accept the beauty snake, it would be impossible for the beauty snake to touch their bodies.

It can be seen that the lonely old man has been charmed by the singing of the beautiful snake!
The muddy eyes of the lonely old man were actually full of obsession, and he let the arms of the beautiful snake wrap around his neck.

"Lone wood, what are you doing!" Leng Yue also noticed something strange, and immediately yelled loudly at the old man Lone wood.

The beauty snake leaned coquettishly in the arms of the old man Lone Wood, and sang beautiful songs for him, with a trace of murderous intent in her eyes, she grinned at the corner of her lips, showing a bloodthirsty smile at the old man Lone Wood.

The lonely old man looked at the warm fragrance and softness in his arms, and felt that the singing voice of the beauty in his arms was so beautiful that he couldn't help but be addicted to it.

The beauty in her arms smiled sweetly, but the snake tail on the lower body was like a chain, tightly entwining the old man's body!

"Ah!" The lonely old man was caught off guard by the snake's tail, let out a heart-piercing scream, and immediately came back to his senses!
The cold snake scales rubbed against his body, this feeling made the old man's scalp tingle!
And the beauty snake in his arms changed expression immediately, the corners of the bright red mouth cracked to the back of the ear, with a ferocious face, it bit on his arm!
The intense pain instantly brought the lonely old man back to his senses!

"Miss, miss, save me!" The lonely old man wailed in pain, writhing his body constantly!

"Junior brother, run quickly, the strength of the beauty snake that eats people will skyrocket, and then we will be in danger!" Amo's piggy face was full of solemnity, twisting its little buttocks and plunged into the water first.

(End of this chapter)

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