God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1246 Did we walk past here just now?

Chapter 1246 Did we walk past here just now?

Without even looking at the old man Lone Wood, Xia Zishang and his party left quickly.

Seeing that Yinxue and Qinglu were leaving, Leng Yue glared at the old man Lone Wood with hatred, then withdrew her hand and gaze, and said loudly to Chu Chao, who was already a little weak beside her, "Leave him alone, let's go !"

"Miss! Miss, don't go!" As the lonely old man spoke, the bones in his arm had been bitten to pieces by the beauty snake, and a large amount of blood spattered from the wound. The smell of blood caused other beauty snakes around to move.

While screaming, a fierce look appeared in the eyes of the lonely old man, he gritted his teeth and pulled out his sword, severed his arm!
Blood splattered, the lonely old man's shoulder lightened, and his arm had been swallowed into his throat by the beauty snake!

Seeing the ferocious beauty snake opening its mouth and attacking again, the lonely old man was so frightened that his complexion was as pale as paper, and he kicked the beauty snake away, wishing he could kill the monster with his sword!

But the lonely old man knew very well that once the beauty snake was injured and led out the snake group, he really couldn't leave, so he had no choice but to give up, tied the broken arm with a belt, and left without looking back.

After diving in the water for a quarter of an hour, Xia Zishang and the others finally saw the exit of the water cave.


With the sound of water, Xia Zishang got into the water.

The majestic aura roared from the front, which was completely different from Xia Zishang's feeling when he went to the tomb of the king of war.

There was pitch blackness in front of my eyes, and as Xia Zishang got out of the water, clusters of light red flames lit up from the lamps embedded on both sides of the road, and gradually extended forward. The deep tomb passage leading to the tomb appeared in front of Xia Zishang.

The faint light of the fire illuminates the exquisitely carved murals on the walls on both sides. The tomb passage is ethereal and bright, and the air is lingering with a shallow yin energy. If you look closely, even the gaps between the sapphire floor tiles on the ground are filled with a thick layer of Jinsha, the golden light pervades the room illuminated by the fire, showing endless extravagance.

Qing Mo was full of interest, looked at Xia Zishang happily and asked, "Boss, are we finally going to enter the tomb of the national teacher?"

"Yes. As long as we pass through this tomb passage smoothly, we will be considered to have entered the tomb." Xia Zishang said, her phoenix pupils flickered, and she carefully looked at the tomb passage in front of her, which seemed to be calm and safe.

Xia Zishang guessed that there must be some special danger lurking in this tomb passage, like a beast crawling in the dark, just waiting to pounce and catch them all.

"Let's go." Xuanyuan Yelan dried all the clothes of the family of three with internal force, handed Qingmo to Xia Zishang, and then took the initiative to explore the way ahead.

"Let's go too." Yinxue seemed a little embarrassed to hide behind and pick up ready-made ones. This time, she also walked in a relatively front position with Qinglu.

Only Leng Yue and the other three were sneaking cats behind, following cautiously.

The moment they stepped into the tomb passage, Yin Qi swirled around everyone's feet like an invisible wind, like invisible big hands, constantly pulling Xia Zishang and his party's steps.

The temperature in the air is getting lower and lower, and the empty tomb passage in front of me seems to have no end, leading all the way to the front.

Feeling vaguely strange, Xia Zishang always felt that the scenery in front of him looked familiar.

"Axia, did we walk past here just now?" Xuanyuan Yelan also noticed something strange and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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