God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1251 My king is sleeping happily

Chapter 1251 My king is sleeping happily
Chu Chao's face was full of snot and tears, and he looked like a poor man from a good family.

He couldn't dare to recall the scene just now, the cold and illusory palm made him shudder even now!

However, thanks to Chu Chao, the ghost wall in front of them was finally broken.

A puff of blue smoke blew past, and the originally distorted space returned to normal, and everyone finally saw the door of the tomb not far ahead.

There are two unicorn spirit beasts drawn on the dark blue tomb door, painted with gold and color, which is lifelike and very powerful. There are two ever-burning lamps inlaid on the wall of the door. When the lights dance alternately, everyone can't help but feel a heartbeat. Mentioned throat.

Everyone was very nervous, and the most nervous one was Leng Yue.

Now everything is just the beginning, but they have already suffered heavy losses. If this continues, things will only be more unfavorable to them.

"I'll open the door." Yinxue took out the silver-white gloves from the armhole, then stepped forward and pushed open the closed door forcefully.

The door opened slowly, and a gust of simplicity rushed over. The golden gauze curtain hanging at the main entrance turned into fine powder the moment it touched the air, and dissipated invisibly in the air.

No one has been to the tomb of the national teacher for a long time. With the golden sand flying in the sky at this moment, everyone stepped into the tomb and saw the almost shocking beauty in front of them.

The majesty of the tomb can be described as majestic. Looking around, everything in the tomb is made of high-quality black jade. Looking around, everything here is ingenious. Four pillars are carved on the four pillars in the tomb. Great beasts, nine majestic dragons are entrenched above everyone's heads.

If you look carefully, you can see that the nine dragons have not yet given birth to their horns. It can be seen that this is not the main tomb, but a tomb where other people are buried.

Below the dragon, there are five coffins, among which four large coffins are made of silver. They each occupy four corners and surround the small coffin in the center. The small coffin is made of gold and jade. It looks like a child of only a few years The size used, and a repressive charm was pasted at the joint between the coffin body and the coffin lid.

Seeing that the walls of the tomb were inlaid with large pieces of night pearls, and the whole tomb was as bright as day, Xia Zishang knew that the people sleeping in this tomb were definitely not simple.

"The tomb is yin, and the coffin is filled with monsters raised by the yin energy in the tomb. It is equivalent to the guardian of the tomb. It will not let us pass through here so easily." Xia Zishang observed the place Looking at the feng shui layout, they found that the small coffin was nourished by the yin energy between heaven and earth, and it already contained extremely strong power. There might be some monsters hidden in it. They should not underestimate it, and must proceed with caution!

"Hahaha, as long as you know it!" At this moment, the boy's rampant sneer suddenly pierced into the originally quiet air like a sharp blade. Its voice was extremely rampant, like a ghost crying, but hidden Unruly, "My lord is sleeping happily, you stupid commoners dare to disturb my lord, my lord will never forgive you no matter what!"

"We are just passing by here, and we don't intend to disturb your Excellency." Yinxue said nervously.

"Hmph, my lord said that you have it, and you have it! With your identities, you dare to question my lord, you are really presumptuous." The young man's voice sounded bloodthirsty, and for a moment, the tomb room was violently blew up!

(End of this chapter)

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