God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1252 Sao Nian, do you have a second-grade illness?

Chapter 1252 Sao Nian, do you have a second-school illness?
"The last person who refuted this lord has died, and this lord will use your blood today to wash away your sins!" The young man laughed wildly after saying this.

"Sao Nian, do you have a secondary illness?" Amo once went to the 21st century with his master to find his younger brother, so he knows a lot of modern words.

Still use blood to wash away sins?It's too middle school to say this!

"Of course ordinary humans like you can't understand the horror of this king!" The young boy's immature voice sounded and hummed, "My faithful believers, send all those who offend this king to hell!"

After the young man said these words, the four coffins beside him suddenly shook crazily.

"Yes, Boss!" Following four crazy shouts, the four corpses lying in the coffin suddenly lifted the coffin board and stood up from it.

At first glance, they look like ordinary humans, but the moment they appear, they begin to change, the bones on their bodies crackle, and the bones in their legs grow rapidly, and suddenly become thin and long, making them look like extremely He stepped on stilts, and the bones on his body enlarged, like inflated balloons. First the limbs, then the torso, all of which swelled up, turned into a four or five meter tall giant in an instant!
The tall, giant-like body easily collapsed from the coffin, and the four giants' heads were on the ceiling. Under the projection of the Ye Mingzhu, the huge figures reflected a dark shadow, like a thick haze, which would engulf Xia Zishang and his party. shrouded.

"What did these things eat and grow up? How could they be so big!" Amo was stunned. He had never seen a dead person that could grow up after death.

"Didn't I tell you many times, don't call me boss, call me king!" The young man's annoyed voice came from inside the coffin, and then, the charm affixed to the gold and jade coffin suddenly ignited, and finally dissipated into a cloud. Burnt black, dissipated in the air.

Condescending and contemptuous of everyone, the four giants surrounded the golden and jade coffin, and watched the coffin open, revealing the young man's thin palm.

I saw a boy who looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old curled up in a small coffin in a very strange posture.

The young man seemed to have no bones all over his body. He was rolled into a ball. Not even a snake had such a soft body. His limbs were twisted and folded together, which made Xia Zishang feel pain in his bones when he looked at it. Imagine a body as big as a teenager, but it can be packed in such a small coffin.

Everyone was as shocked as Xia Zishang, unable to understand how the boy did it.

The young man giggled and sneered, and slowly stretched his body under the eyes of everyone, "Stupid human beings, tremble for the strength of this king!"

As soon as the boy's voice fell, the four giants lifted their feet and stomped heavily on the heads of Xia Zishang and his group!

This foot of the giants contains extremely terrifying power. It looks like an understatement, but it contains the power of thousands of troops. Even the air is invisible when they step on it. The terrifying courage makes Xia Zi None of Chang and the others dared to resist.

Sideways dodging the attacks of the giants nimbly, Xia Zishang watched the giant's feet land on her side.

With a bang, Xia Zishang thought that the giant's kick would crush the ground to pieces.

However, when the giant dropped one foot and lifted it up again, the jade bricks on the ground were intact, which made Xia Zishang confused.

 Ten more is over, see you tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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