God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1256 Do I look like a soft persimmon who is easy to bully?

Chapter 1256 Do I look like a soft persimmon who is easy to bully?
The panic in his heart can't be described in words at all, the boy's eyes turned, and his eyes fell on Qing Mo and Amo inadvertently.

Compared to the mighty Xia Zishang and the others, the child-like Qing Mo and Amo, the pink pig, don't look too easy to bully.

With a sudden plan in his heart, an evil light appeared in the boy's eyes.

I saw the young man stretching his fingers, his five fingers were stretched out like rubber, and then the young man weaved his five fingers into a net at a speed visible to the naked eye, and raised his hand to support it!
"Little guy, come to my king!" The young man pointed at Qing Mo and raised his hand, and the interlaced five fingers flew out, and they were infinitely elongated. From a distance, it looked like a piece of paper. The unfolded net bound Qing Mo up.

Both Qingmo and Amo looked at this scene in surprise. Qingmo was tied up for a while, but they didn't realize it yet, thinking it was something wrong with their eyes.

Because the boy's appearance at the moment is really too weird!
The five fingers of the young man stretched to a strange degree with ease, and even his arms could be stretched infinitely, possessing extremely strong toughness. Even though there is still some distance between Qing Mo and Qing Mo, the young man still held Qing Mo tightly. tied up.

Qing Mo's astonishment lasted only for a moment, he lifted his foot and stomped heavily on the ground with a thought!

In the tomb, Qing Mo's strength should not be underestimated. With his concentration and calmness, he condensed hard ice around him.

Ice spread out from the soles of Qing Mo's feet, freezing Qing Mo in place, no matter how hard the young man tried, he couldn't pull Qing Mo over.

The young man didn't seem to have expected Qing Mo to have such a trick, and the way he looked at Qing Mo changed immediately.

Contrary to what he had imagined, this young man who seemed easy to bully seemed to be quite capable!

Qing Mo raised the corners of his lips leisurely, looked at the young man and asked with a smile, "Why, do I look like a soft persimmon that is easy to bully?"

While Qing Mo was speaking, the ice around him quickly spread towards him, and a sharp ice thorn rose from the ground, turning into an afterimage, stirring up a cold mist in the air, and heading straight to the boy's body. Rush to the door!
The boy was startled, and quickly turned his head to dodge.

The edge of the ice thorn rubbed against the boy's face, and the intense cold instantly made the boy more vigilant.

"It's just an inconspicuous little guy, how dare you disobey my king's words!?" The young man felt that his authority had been greatly challenged, his face darkened in anger, and he raised his hand in anger!
The solid ice around Qing Mo's body that stabilized his figure immediately shook, forming clear cracks that were as fine as a spider's web.

Qing Mo's heart sank, a ray of light flashed in those pitch-black eyes, and the Yin Qi circulating in the air instantly permeated the surroundings, condensing into a large snow dance, and pounced on the young man's face with a whoosh.

"Ah!" The boy let out a scream, his hair was frozen by the cold Xue Wu.

Suddenly shivering from the cold, the young man was about to roar angrily, but something gnawed heavily on his arm.

Amo's chubby pink figure seemed to rush out like a ball, biting the flesh on the boy's arm and pulling it with all his strength.

Hearing the boy's furious roar, Amo pulled the boy's flesh long, but he couldn't bite it off!

(End of this chapter)

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