Chapter 1257
Amo looked at the boy's elastic body and was stunned for a moment.

What's happening here?
Thinking that Amo's teeth are extremely hard, no matter what kind of monster or ghost it is, it can easily chew off a piece of meat.

However, the boy's flesh was too resilient, so slippery that Amo couldn't use his strength.

Although he failed to gnaw off a piece of meat, Amo's bite force was still terrifying. The boy in pain let out a scream, and then kicked his feet up. His body was separated by a long distance, but his legs and feet stretched, and Amo was thrown into the air. Step on the ground heavily!

"Uncle!" Qing Mo was shocked, and worriedly yelled at Amo.

Amo had already been trampled deep into the ground by the young man. The young man was so strong that he even shattered the floor tiles made of jade!
It can be seen from this that the young man's blow was merciless, and he must have killed Amo.

"Hmph, fat pig, let you be arrogant in front of the king." The young man sneered triumphantly, and was about to retract his long legs, but unexpectedly, Amo, who should have been trampled to death by it, looked like a bull jumped up.

"Brat, who are you calling fat!?" Amo's love for beauty was hit mercilessly, and he was so angry that he threw off the boy's foot and bit it back.

This time, Amo learned to be smart, and he didn't let go of the boy after taking a bite, but bit down firmly, the sharp pig teeth sank deep into the boy's flesh, the painful boy bared his teeth, and his mouth was even more exasperated Cursing angrily, "Of course it's about you pig! Look at you, you're so fat that you don't look like a pig, you, you, you, let me go!"

"Ni (you) show (stop) Xiang (think)!" Amo spat the boy's leg with saliva, but still refused to speak.

The boy was so angry that he looked at Amo angrily, but he was actually a little flustered.

Its attack is not weak, but why did its attack just now fail to hurt a single hair of this little fat pig? !

At first he thought that Qingmo and Amo were easy to bully, but the young man suddenly realized that things seemed to be completely different from what he had imagined!

He simply withdrew the hand that bound Qingmo with all his strength, and the young man jumped up, soaring into the air, then ruthlessly aimed at Amo's head, stretched his arm, and landed a punch!
Seeing the young man's arm stretch out like a spirit snake, Qing Mo's heart trembled at the sight of this ferocious blow!
"Let me go!" Seeing the young man's actions, Amo only gave a soft snort of disdain.

Even if he didn't hide, Amo proudly raised his little head, his whole body glowed with a steel-like hard luster, and watched the boy's fist fall.

The young man tried his best with this fist. He thought he could cripple Amo, but unexpectedly, Amo's head was harder than a stone. Amo didn't move when he punched it. Instead, the boy's palm was hit. It hurts!

"Is your head made of iron? Why is it so hard!" the boy asked, looking at Amo in shock, with teary eyes in pain.

Amo smiled triumphantly, "Hmph, this is the price you pay for underestimating me!"

After finishing speaking, Amo waved his pig's trotters and rushed out, opened his mouth again and rushed towards the boy.

Qing Mo watched as his uncle and that arrogant young man fought hard.

Coincidentally, the abilities of the uncle and the young man can be said to be mutually exclusive, so the attacks of the two have no effect on each other. Even if they are fighting hard now, in Qing Mo's eyes, they are like chickens. Pecking at each other can't hurt each other at all.

(End of this chapter)

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