Chapter 1258
Xia Zishang is not idle here. After they saw through the weakness of the giants, they started to attack wildly. They beat these giants so hard that they could not fight back, and absorbed all the energy stored in their bodies. Until they become invisible and dissipate in the air.

Seeing this scene, the young man was frightened out of his wits.

Knowing that after his subordinates were dealt with, it would be his turn next, Amo, who was thrown away by the boy without saying a word, turned around and ran away.

"Run away if you can't beat it, why are you so cowardly!" Amo shouted at the boy in disgust.

"You know what a fart, I call a practitioner a hero!" Before the boy could finish his words, a terrifying yin aura rose from its feet, and the cold mist quickly swirled around its body. The body froze into an ice sculpture!
Unbelievably looking towards the source of the cold air, the young man just met Qing Mo with a pale and tired face.

All of a sudden condensed so many ice cubes, Qing Mo was also a little tired, but his big crystal clear eyes were full of unruly color, looking happily at the boy who was frozen into ice cubes by him, rejoicing that he unexpectedly It worked!

The young man scolded Qing Mo for being a little bastard in his heart, and then watched Xia Zishang and the others clean up the only remaining giant.

Quickly taking back the last curse seal after absorbing the power, Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan rushed to Qingmo's side as quickly as possible.

"Qing Mo, you are really amazing." Xia Zishang saw what happened just now, and when he came over now, he praised Qing Mo loudly without hesitation.

"Really?" Qing Mo happily raised the corners of his lips, and a very bright smile was written on his small face.

Qing Mo came out this time because he wanted to rely on his own strength to help his father and mother, so at this moment when he heard his mother's approval and praise, Qing Mo seemed as sweet as eating honey, and couldn't help but reveal A bright smile of joy.

"Of course it's true. Thanks to your presence, you've helped us a lot." Xuanyuan Yelan also praised without hesitation.

After Qing Mo heard this, he immediately received great encouragement, and even his eyes became brighter.

Without giving Leng Yue and others a chance to intervene, Xia Zishang quickly threw out the whip and tied up the boy.

Qing Mo cooperated with the melted ice, and the boy was immediately released from the ice sculpture.

He stared at Xia Zishang angrily and shouted angrily, "You, it's useless for you to catch me, no matter how much you torture me, I'd rather die than surrender!"

While the boy was talking, he did not forget to struggle twice, but Xia Zishang was tied so tightly that the boy couldn't break free, so he could only glared at her angrily.

"Master Xia, is it not good to tie it like this?" Yinxue stepped forward with a worried look on her face, and frowned at the boy who was tied up, "Anyway, it is also a ghost in the tomb of the national teacher. We shouldn't..."

"Did you catch it?" Xia Zishang turned her head, looked at Yinxue and asked suddenly.

Xia Zishang's cold eyes seemed to be able to freeze people, Yinxue swallowed her throat uncomfortably, then shook her head, "No."

"Since it's not, then what are you talking about." Amo glanced at Yinxue, and moaned, "The dog takes the mouse, just meddle in other people's business."

(End of this chapter)

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