God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1259 You don't have to follow us

Chapter 1259 You don't have to follow us
"What do you mean, our miss is kind enough to remind you!" Qinglu couldn't help jumping out, "All the spirits in the tomb of the national teacher have been cultivated. If you touch any taboos, don't tell me if something happens to you." , will also drag us down in the same industry.”

"Then you don't have to follow us." Xuanyuan Yelan's indifferent gaze swept over Yinxue.

Yinxue's eyes trembled slightly, and she quickly lowered her head.

Xuanyuan Yelan, who had put on a human skin mask to disguise his appearance, looked ugly, but for some reason, Yinxue always felt that the eyes of the young man in front of her were so deep that she didn't dare to look at him, as if she was looking at this young man more. The heartbeat would speed up uncontrollably.

"Qinglu, forget it, what the young master said makes sense." Yinxue gave Qinglu a hand, and finally said delicately, "I'm sorry two young masters, we are the ones who overstepped."

Xia Zishang's gaze quickly turned to the lovely and pitiful Yinxue who ignored him, and once again landed on the young man, "I'll give you a chance to live."

"Hmph, if you give me a chance, will I accept it? I won't!" the boy screamed, poking his neck stiffly.

"Of course you can choose not to accept it." Xia Zishang stretched out her hand, and pinched the boy's cheek with jade-like fingers.

Then, stretch it hard.

The boy's face was suddenly deformed by being dragged, its skin seemed to be infinitely stretchable, full of elasticity, at this time half of the face was being played with by Xia Zishangtuan in the palm, and he was so angry that he said, "Let go! "

"Your body is really interesting. Since you don't want to cooperate with me, then I will study your body carefully before you die." Xia Zishang narrowed her eyes with a slight smile like a cunning fox , "It's just right, I'll take this opportunity to see how long your body will stretch before it reaches its limit and breaks apart, right?"

The boy trembled in fright, he was sure that the woman in front of her was not joking, but serious!
"Are you a devil?!" The boy trembled in fright, his eyes widened and he asked loudly.

Such a torture method, thanks to this terrible man can think of it!
"Tsk tsk, what are you talking about? My junior brother is much scarier than the devil." Amo said seriously.

The young man was so frightened that his face turned green, and he still did not forget to show his strength, "Since you are so sincere and sincere in discussing with me, then I will give you face and let me hear what you want..."

Xia Zishang chuckled, and didn't intend to argue with the young man, "In the next level, I need someone to help me investigate the mechanism. I think you are suitable."

In fact, Xia Zishang could completely leave the task of exploring the way to Amo, but how could she have the heart to let her senior brother always act as a shield in front of them to test the danger.

In contrast, she has no psychological burden to let the boy go out to explore the way.

"You actually want me to be a living target for you to explore the way?!" The young man was stunned, and then he refused loudly and righteously, "No way, I would rather die than follow!"

"Well, I won't force you. Senior brother, I have a elixir here that can temporarily release corrosive poison from your teeth." Xia Zishang looked at Amo lightly and hinted.

Amoduo is smart, and he understood Xia Zishang's meaning immediately, "Okay, take the medicine for me, and I will make up for all the things I haven't eaten just now!"

After saying this, Amo did not forget to grind his teeth, and gave the boy a meaningful smirk.

(End of this chapter)

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