God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1260 You are insulting my personality

Chapter 1260 You are insulting my personality

The hairs on the boy's back trembled instantly, and he hurriedly changed his tune, "Okay! Okay, I'm willing to cooperate!"

The boy's body is very special, not only soft but also elastic, it can deflect all attacks, and very few things can hurt it.

But I don't know why, Amo's pig teeth can bite it very painful every time. If there is some corrosive poison on the basis of its pig teeth, then it is really not far from death!

Moreover, it was just a verbal promise, and restless thoughts had already appeared in its heart.

As long as it survives first, it might find a suitable opportunity to escape!
Thinking of this, the boy lowered his head, hiding the cold light that flashed in his eyes.

But what the boy never expected was that Xia Zishang quickly took out a string of dog chains from the space storage, and put the dog chains on it before it could react. neck.

With a click, Xia Zishang finally let go of the spirit whip that bound the boy after the dog chain was locked tightly.

"What is this?!" The boy's eyes widened, he pulled the dog chain around his neck vigorously, and screamed in surprise.

"Dog chain. Prevent you from escaping." How could Xia Zishang fail to see the boy's careful thinking? She would not trust the boy unconditionally, so of course she had to take some special measures.

"You are insulting my personality!" The young man was about to cry angrily, thinking how he would be so unlucky to meet these people!
"Either wear it or die." Xuanyuan Yelan said lightly, his eyes as cold as water.

The young man was immediately speechless, and could only smash his teeth and swallow, crying and accepting his fate.

"What's your name?" Qing Mo looked at the boy and asked.

"You can call me the king..." Xuanyuan Yelan shot past the young man just after he finished speaking.

Do you want Qingmo to call him the king?I'm afraid this kid is tired of living.

The aura around Xuanyuan Yelan made the young man tremble with fright, and he hurriedly said, "What I said is true, my real name is Dawang, my surname is Da, and my name is Wang!"

"How come there is such a strange name." Leng Yue, who had been silent all this time, gave the young man a faint look, apparently not believing what the young man said.

The young man lowered his head silently, and said in a helpless tone, "I don't know, I don't have any memory of being outside the tomb of the national teacher. When I woke up, I was always in the tomb of the national teacher. Only the name 'Great King' is left."

"That can't be called your king. Junior brother, I think it's better to call it a coward." Amo seemed to think that his idea was very good, and looked at Xia Zishang beside him excitedly.

"It's a good name, that's it." Xia Zishang nodded in agreement.

Your Majesty is so angry.

How could these people ignore its wishes and give it the name Counselor, it obviously has such a handsome name, these people are really too much!
But the King felt so bitter that he could not express it, so he could only temporarily suppress the humiliation, thinking that it would not be too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and one day it would stand up and become its master!
"Boss, do you know what's in the next tomb?" After Xia Zishang said this, his eyes swept over the door leading to the next tomb.

The cold and sinister breath came from inside the door, with a strange fishy smell, which made Xia Zishang feel extremely bad.

(End of this chapter)

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