God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1266 Master Ye is really strong!

Chapter 1266 Master Ye is really strong!
The formation drawn by Xia Zishang glowed with holy splendor, making the wet corpses feel fear in their hearts, and the murderous aura towards the enemy appeared in their muddy eyes. Their figures rushed out like fierce wolves, and at the same time He rushed towards Xia Zishang's direction suddenly,

The almost terrifying speed and power made people tremble in fright.

When the wet corpse rushed out, a large amount of stinky corpse water flew out of its body, shooting towards Xia Zishang's face.

But Xia Zishang didn't seem to be aware of it, still looking cold, drawing a spell on the ground with concentration.

The wet corpses looked at Xia Zishang's almost death-seeking movements. The wet palm was only three inches away from her, and it was only a little bit away from easily piercing her head.

However, the sharp sword light flashed by, and the arms of the wet corpses were chopped off by the long sword before they could touch a single hair of Xia Zishang.


The sharp long sword fell rapidly, and the wet corpse's arm was chopped off to the ground.

The pungent corpse water splashed out, and the highly decomposed faces of the wet corpses were filled with bewilderment, followed by a flash of sword light, and the wet corpses approaching in front of Xia Zishang were all cut by the long sword without exception. To the head!
The heads of the wet corpses fell to the ground, and the smelly corpse water gushed out from the cut in their necks. The corpses hit the ground heavily, making a crisp muffled sound.

Everyone present was shocked by this scene. Leng Yue and others looked at the person who made the shot at the same time, and saw Xuanyuan Yelan holding a long sword, with a cold face, like a patron saint, standing on Xia Zishang's side not far away.

The long sword in his hand flashed a sharp killing light, no matter how overwhelming the wet corpses were, Xuanyuan Yelan would never let them get close to Xia Zishang.

Every time the wet corpses attack aggressively, but before they touch a single hair of Xia Zishang, they will be beheaded by the long sword in Xuanyuan Yelan's hand one meter away from Xia Zishang!

Looking at Xuanyuan Yelan's miraculous movements in astonishment, everyone couldn't understand why this man was so powerful.

With an expression of admiration that couldn't be concealed, Yinxue opened her eyes wide in surprise, and exclaimed, "Master Ye is really strong!"

While speaking, Yinxue's eyes were shining brightly, as if she wished to get closer to Xuanyuan Yelan.

The three of Leng Yue watched Xuanyuan Yelan move swiftly and protect Xia Zishang seriously.

The wet corpses seemed to be irritated by Xuanyuan Yelan. At this moment, their figures flashed, and they all rushed in front of him with ferocious faces, roaring and opened their bloody mouths to face him, and they were about to aim at him with a mouthful of venom. His face splashed out.

After one wet corpse sprayed venom from its mouth, the remaining wet corpses sprayed out more venom!

The light yellow venom exudes a disgusting stench, and at first glance, it seems that they are shooting towards Xuanyuan Yelan's face in groups, as if they want to drown him with the venom!
This venom contained extremely strong corpse poison, once Xuanyuan Yelan was hit, there would be only one way to die.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but raise their hearts in their throats.

However, Xuanyuan Yelan's ink-like eyes only flashed a touch of alienation and indifference.

Leng Yue and the others couldn't even see clearly how Xuanyuan Yelan was moving. They only felt an afterimage rushing out quickly, the sword light was rolling rapidly in the air, and Xuanyuan Yelan was crushing the venom at the same time, Manipulating the strong spiritual power to build a solid barrier, covering all the venom with the barrier, allowing it to scatter in all directions, without even thinking about hurting a single hair of Xia Zishang.

(End of this chapter)

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