God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1267 Is this trying to kill us?

Chapter 1267 Is this trying to kill us?
Leng Yue looked at Xuanyuan Yelan suspiciously, and couldn't understand why this man has such a powerful strength, but he has been unknown before?
But because Xuanyuan Yelan couldn't interfere too much, Xia Zishang couldn't let Xuanyuan Yelan help her resist too much.

"Roar!" The wet corpse roared again, and its sharp claws rushed towards Xia Zishang's direction.

Most of the formation under his feet was completed, Xia Zishang bit his fingertips, and several streams of blood shot out and landed on the wet corpses.

The moment the blood essence touched the wet corpses, bursts of smoke ignited on their bodies, like sulfuric acid, and the burned wet corpses wailed and screamed, not daring to come closer.

Xuanyuan Yelan turned her head to look at Xia Zishang, and found that her small face had turned pale from drawing the formation, her heart seemed to be crushed, and she frowned and looked towards the direction of the pool.

The formation is almost completed, but Amo hasn't found the Yinshuiyu yet!
At the same time, Amo has also dived into the depths of the pool.

A few bubbles rolled out of his mouth, and Amo waved his pig's trotter vigorously, and plunged into the depths of the pool recklessly.

The pool was bottomless, and an inexplicable and strange stench emerged continuously from the depths of the pool, making Amo, who had an exceptionally sensitive sense of smell, almost feel that his nose was about to be smoked out.

He could only hold back his breath, and Amo looked around for it, and finally found a glistening Yinshui jade not far from the edge of the pool.

Amo's eyes lit up, and he rushed to the Yinshui Jade quickly, and knocked it off the stone wall.

The Yinshui jade was colder than the thousand-year-old ice. The moment it fell into Amo's pig's trotters, it brought a piercing coldness to it, and a thin layer of frost actually froze on its trotters. .

Regardless of being frozen stiff, Amo turned his head and swam towards the surface of the water.

However, Amo suddenly heard the direction of his feet at this time, and there was a sound of water being stirred up.

Looking down at his feet in confusion, Amo's face was full of horror and horror. He saw a pale hand protruding from the dark bottom of the pool under his feet, and grabbed its ankle tightly, holding it Pull down firmly.

Amo was startled, quickly kicked that hand away, and swam upstream with all his strength.

Amo held the Yinshui jade and looked down again. The thing that was originally hidden in the darkness at the bottom of the pool finally broke through the darkness at this moment and appeared in its sight.

I saw nearly a hundred wet corpses crawling out from the bottom of the pool with their teeth and claws open. Their bodies were swollen by the cold pool water. At first glance, they looked like balls, but their chubby bodies were extremely agile, and they headed towards the shore like crazy. rush away.

Amo was so frightened by this almost terrifying scene that his legs went limp. Seeing the wet corpses rolling their eyes, they all stretched out their hands towards it, trying to hold it!
Frightened enough to spit out a few bubbles, Amo strenuously headed upstream, exerting all his breastfeeding strength, and finally got out of the pool before the wet corpses caught up!
Popping out of the water, Amo yelled in horror, "Junior Brother, hurry up and break the formation, there are a lot of wet corpses rushing up from the water!"

After finishing speaking, Amo jumped out of the pool, with the Yinshui jade in his mouth, and rushed towards Xia Zishang's location.


As soon as Amo finished speaking, pieces of wet corpses rushed out of the pool.

Looking around, there are hundreds of wet corpses. They have ferocious faces, and there is a strong smell, which makes people feel shocked.

"My mother! Is this mother trying to play us to death?" Chu Chao asked with a shocked expression, widening his eyes in astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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